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Q: The tropical rain forests have a relatively constant temperature of about 250C year-round?
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Hawaii is tropical and has the most constant temperature.

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The correct temperature for tropical fish is 72 to 80 degrees. I keep mine at a constant 75 degrees with a heater designed for aquariums.

What is the July temperature for tropical rain-forest?

The temperature in any rain forest will hardly ever raise above 93 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature is normally a constant 80 degrees.

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Soil that is rich in iron, alumina, or silica and formed in tropical woodlands under very humid climate with relatively high temperature.

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What is cT cP mT mT?

Those terms likely stand for cT (constant temperature), cP (constant pressure), mT (monotonic temperature), and mT (monotonic temperature). They describe specific thermodynamic processes or conditions, such as how temperature or pressure remains constant during a process, or how temperature changes in a monotonic manner.

Which of the following biomes receives at least 50 inches of rain per year is warm yearround and is usually found near the equator?

Tropical rainforestExplanation...Tropical rainforests are warm, wet environments typically located near the equator. They can receive as much as 400 inches of rain per year. The temperature remains warm (70°F to 85°F on average) all day long and year-round. Tropical rainforests produce 40% of the Earth's oxygen.-------------------------------------

What is the temperature in Tropical Savanna?

what is the average temperature of tropical savanna climate?

What is the temperature in the tropical forests?

The temperature in a tropical forest is > or = 1x+3

Coastal communities often experience milder winters and cooler summers than further inland because what?

Humidity. Because water has such a high specific heat, it is a very effective insulator, so environments with more water in the air experience a much smaller temperature variation. For example, rainforests tend to keep a relatively constant temperature year-round, while desert temperatures tend to vary drastically over a 24-hour period as well as during different seasons. You might want to look up temperature ranges for humid vs. dry climates. (Note: the stability in temperature of tropical rainforests can, in part, be attributed to their proximity to the equator and therefore relatively stable sun-exposure. However, rainforests in Washington also experience relatively constant temperatures.)

What is a tropical sentence?

The rainforest temperature was tropical.

A sentence with the word tropical?

The rainforest temperature was tropical.