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Q: The turning or spinning of a body on its axis is known as?
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What is spinning of a body on its axis?

That's "rotation".

Does the planet Mars have an axis?

Yes it does. Any body that is spinning has an axis. It turns out that *every* body in the Solar System is spinning. The axis is the line through the center of the body that connects the north pole to the south pole. HTH, Gdunge

What is the differnce between rotation and revolution?

Rotation is a body spinning on it's own axis and revolution is the body revolving around an external axis.

Movement of one body around another body?

This movement is called orbiting, where one body revolves around another due to gravitational attraction. The body being orbited is typically larger and more massive, while the orbiting body is referred to as a satellite. Orbits can be either elliptical or circular depending on the initial conditions and speed of the orbiting body.

What is axis rotation?

Axis rotation refers to the process of rotating an object around a specific axis or line. This type of rotation can occur in various dimensions, such as 2D or 3D, and is commonly used in mathematics and computer graphics to manipulate objects. Axis rotation allows for precise control over the orientation of an object in space.

What is period of?

In terms of Astronomy, a revolution usually refers to an orbit of one body around another. Rotation usually refers to a body spinning on its axis.

What period of revolution?

In terms of astronomy, a revolution usually refers to an orbit of one body around another. Rotation usually refers to a body spinning on its axis.

What is period revolution?

In terms of astronomy, a revolution usually refers to an orbit of one body around another. Rotation usually refers to a body spinning on its axis.

What is known as rotation?

Any rigid body can rotate if it moves repeatedly about a fixed axis. If the axis is inside the body that is also called revolving.

What is the medical term meaning turning outward?

Depending on what part of the body you are talking about, or around what axis the body part is turning, it could be a few different terms. Probably the two most common are externally rotated or adducted.

What called turn on an axis?

Rotation is the term meaning turning a body part on its own axis.I find turning a body part on its own axis hard to explain. I can only give examples:Rotating your outstretched arm at the elbow or shoulder, say from palm up to palm down.Moving your head from facing front to facing left or right.

Moment of inertia of parallel axis?

This is known as parallel axes theorem. Statement: If IG be the moment of inertia of a body of mass M about an axis passing through its centre of gravity, then MI (I) of the same body about a parallel axis at a distance 'a' from the previous axis will be given as I = IG + M a2