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according to electronic spectra I2 in gas phase is violet due to promotion of electron from 4pi* to 9sigma* while its absorbing 500 nm.

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Q: The violet colour of iodine vapour is due to?
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Voilet colour of iodine vapour is due to?

pi* to sigma* transition

Does glycogen and amylopectin have a helical structure like amylose and if yes why is it that glycogen and amylopectin form red-violet colouration with potassium iodide?

Yes, they are helical. The change in colouration is due to iodine being trapped in the helix. Difference in colour is due to the different wavelength of light being absorbed when iodine form bonds with the glucose molecules in the helix.

What happens when you burn an iodine crystal?

when iodine crysatals are heated, they turn from a solid into a gas (vapour). They start a black colour and as they gradually turn into a gas, they turn to a purple colour. At the end, there are no crystals left.

What do the particles look like in gas?

At the molecular level iodine gas contains I2 molecules, which if you could see them ( they are too small to be seen using light) and you were able to see the electron density then they would appear as small dumbells. When iodine sublimes the colour of the "gas" is violet this due to the aborption of visible light by the I2 molecule.

Which colour of light has least critical angle?

violet has max ref index due to minimum wave length.

Why does starch turn blue with iodine?

the iodine does not turn the starch black."The iodine clock reaction is based around the colour change that occurs when iodine reacts with starch, turning from a clear colour to a black-blue colour." (2) The starch allows the iodine and the iodide ions to bond, forming a triodide ion.I2(aq) + I−(aq) ⇌ I3−(aq)In this reaction, iodide is viewed as a base, and iodine is viewed as an acid.The iodine is a ligand and is surrounded by the starch,as for the colour change, that is due to the iodine absorbing all light wavelengths corresponding to colours, hence not letting any through, so what you are seeing when the solution is black, is the absence of light and colour alltogether,hope that helps

What happens when iodine is added to a starch solution?

When iodine is added to starch it turns a blackish color due to a chemical reaction.

What is the color of potato cell if added with iodine solution?

iodine is an indicator for starch, potatoes are basically starch storage organs for potato plants. that's why they are good to eat, mmm starch!

Why a yellow leaf doesn't change it's colour by putting iodine on it?

Because it doesn't contain green pigment, chloroplast... Green leaves changes to blue-black due to present of starch in chloroplast.

Is iodine flexible?

iodine is a flexible element. Iodine is commonly used in various processes like the manufacture of plastic bags used for packaging due to its flexibility.

What is the difference between mecuricome and iodine?

Mecuricome had iodine. It's off the shelves now due to FDA regulations.

How can you test for presence of starch in Food items?

To identify the presence of starch in Food items; Iodine Test: (specific for starch) Principle: When boiled with water starch molecules form dispersion surfaces having affinity for Iodine molecules. When added, iodine molecules get adsorbed on starch grains producing intense blue colour. Reagent: 1) Iodine solution(2 grams of 12 dissolved in 6% KI) 2) 1% starch solution (Dissolve 1 gram of starch in 100mL of boiling water). Procedure: Take 2mL of food extract or 2mL of starch solution in a test tube and add a few drops of iodine solution to it. Note the change in colour. Result: If a blue black develops then starch is present. Colour due to adsorption.