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Two. There are four ears and eight legs. Ha.

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Q: There are four more legs than ears in a basket How many kittens are in the basket?
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7 girls each girl has 7 cats each has 7 kittens how many legs?

does each girl have seven cats or one cat each? there are 406 legs There are 10,990. 7 girls, 49 backbacks, 343 big cats 2401 small cats. girls, 14 legs 1,372 big cat legs, 9,604 kitten legs.

Four girls are travelling on a bus in each hand is a basket in each basket is 4 cats each cat has 3 kittens how many legs on the bus?


'Four girls are travelling on a bus in each hand is a basket in each basket is 4 cats each cat has 3 kittens how many legs on the bus?

None, the bus has wheels. :)

Four girls are travelling on a bus each girl is holding four baskets each basket their are three cats each cat has four kittens two girls are getting off the bus how many legs are on the bus?

4 legs

Do kittens develop in the womb with only two legs the first second week in the womb?

no, kittens develop with four legs

What does kittens bums look like?

Kittens, probably with the exception of newborns, will look much like a smaller version of their mother. Young kittens usually have very short bodies, legs and faces, which develop as they get older. Like adults, kittens have fur, whiskers, four legs, paws and legs, and two upright ears (with the exception of the Scottish Fold breed).

4 girls are traveling on a bus with a basket each and in each basket there are 2 cats each cat has 2 little kittens how many legs are on the bus?

There are 74 legs in the bus. I'm going to say no legs are on the bus since buses don't have legs; they have wheels.

8 mens has 8 baskets each basket has 8 cats each cat has 8 kittens how many legs total?


4 girls travelling on a bus each of them have 3 baskets in each basket there are 2 cats each cat has 2 little kittens How many legs are on the bus?

4 girls= 8 legs 3(2 cats= 8 legs+2 kittens= 8 legs) 8+48 = 56 there are 56 legs..

7 girls are in a bus each girl has baskets and each basket has 4 cats each cat has 3 kittens 3 girls are getting off the bus how many legs are in the bus?

7 girls have 14 legs total.They each have four cats, so that's 28 cats with 112 legs total.The 28 cats each have 3 kittens, so that's 84 kittens with 336 legs total.462 legs total are on the bus.But then 3 girls with 6 legs get off the bus.Taking 12 cats with 48 legs off the bus.And taking 36 kittens with 144 legs off the bus.Or removing 198 legs from the bus total.Leaving 264 legs on the bus.

How are elephants special?

they have four big legs and two big ears

Are kittens limbs called legs?

Kittens have four limbs called legs, and another limb in the back called a tail. That bubble in the front is its head, it is full of sharp teeth.. keep your fingers away from there ^_~