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primary consumers

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Q: There are more primary producers than there are?
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A pyramid of number demonstrates that a community has?

More producers than primary consumers

Are buttercups producers or consumers?

Primary consumers

Why are there so many producers compared to primary consumers?

because Producers are plants, primary consumers are only a few species of animal on the food chain. there are way more species of plants that of only a few animals. i hope that answered your question!

What trophic level contains the greatest biomass in most ecosystems?

More individuals, less energy, more producers, or fewer carnivores?ANSWER: more individuals because there are more types of omnivores and carnivores(who feed off of primary consumers) than there are herbivores (who feed off of primary producers)

Do primary sources eat producers?

Primary consumers eat producers (plants).

What trophic level must have more of than others?

:) The 1st trophic level has more energy. The first trophic level consists of producers(plants and algae). They has more energy because they create their own food (photosynthesis). Hope this answer helps :)

How are producers related to primary consumers?

Producers are the food for primary consumers.

Do producers eat primary consumer?

No. Primary consumers eat producers (green plants).

What are some primary producers for the desert?

Plants, especially grasses, are the primary producers of deserts.

Why are there more producers than consumers in a food web?

Beacause if there are too many primary consumers than the producer, the equilibreum or tha balance of nature will be gone,, there will be no more producers in the world if there are too many 1st order consumer, and if there are too many 2nd order consumer there will be an increase number of dangerous animals because mostly 2nd order consumers are carnivores and dangerous and the equilibrium will beunstabble.

What are primary producers in deserts?

Grasses and other plants, shrubs and trees are the primary producers in the desert.

Is a mice a primary consumer?

Mice are primary consumers. This means that the nice eat primary producers. Primary producers include almost all green plants.