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if you dont know him that well he may not know your name or he may just be lazy or perhaps he is abit shy but it seems like he may like you because he gives you a smile. keep talking to him and you'll eventualy get more out of him. perhaps you should start with a specific complement like " Hey i like your shirt" youll win him over trust me .

I totally agree he may be shy but like they said if you try harder then he will don't just say hi start a conversation and then you will be able to tell if he likes you and trust me you will find out. Don't worry about it you will be fine.

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Q: There is this guy that i like and i always say hi and then his name. He never says hey and then my name he just says hey and then will smile. Why does he not say my name?
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you gotta be nice, caring, and always smile. be fun if the person is fun. if the person says they like you dont say yes or i like you too, just smile. treat out to dinner. :)

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Then it can mean anything like if they are flirting with you or maybe they just have a strange smile. :)

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Barbara Griffin "Just like Your Smile" from a cartoon "CJ the DJ".

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Smile, like this :)

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well first if they like u u start to notis they speek about u and are always looking at u they will wave and smile and sometimes the od wink if u like them just smile and wave i u dont look the other way and pretend u never saw

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