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You may need to keep them separated. Sometimes two dogs will not like each other and there may not be a lot you can do about it. You could try to have them together on leash so if they start to fight you can correct them right away. Sometimes having them in a neutral setting can help. If they are at home they are more apt to be territorial.

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Q: They really fight when put the two female dogs together..what to do?
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You have 1 male dog who is not fixed he loves other dogs if you brought a breeding pair of dogs would the 2 males fight for the female?

Yes, dogs love females. The reason why they fight over the female is because 2 people can't date 1. Animals can't either!

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Because there is more males vying for a certain female and sometimes males will fight over a female and on the odd occasion the female may fight a male. Like human females we do have our preferences. LOL

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Dogs cannot double-date of course. But 1 wants the female and must fight to get the female. That's the only way to see who gets the female. If they keep fighting you should get rid of the female or a male, or the 2 males..

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No, male dogs will often play and run with each other. Fighting between male dogs will usually occur when they are in competition for the same female in heat.

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i never really new that dogs have that too!

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Yes, but if both males are "fixed" then its most likely they will lose intereest, but they will still probably fight for territorial reasons.

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There is no reason for this, it may be because they are arguing over their teritory or food etc. it wont be beceause they dont like each other... Maybe they are just playing.. But what can I say, I dont really know your dogs.

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Some dogs will fight over food or a bone. If you mean why do they fight at a dog fight, that is because sick humans have trained them to fight.

Was Lassie Hollywood's first transsexual?

While it has been noted that all the dogs that played Lassie were, in fact, male dogs, no surgery was involved, nor can we know if any of the male dogs really, really wanted to be female dogs and should be considered pre-ops. So the answer is "No".

Do female dogs become more aggressive toward male dogs?

Generally male and female dogs get along better than two males or two females.