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fire, sun, butterfly, food, Orange Juice, breakfast,

and too many other things to list.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Oranges, mangoes, tangerines, rust, orange pigment, cheese puffs, Cheese Its, and cheese balls.

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Q: What some things you think of when you hear the color orange?
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Is there such thing as mono orange osis?

This is just a fake disease. It originated from Wizards of Waverly Place. Mono orange osis is when you can't see, taste, or hear the color orange.

What is synthensia?

I think that you were spelling 'synethesia' and if you were, then it is where your mind does funny things to specific things you hear or see. Some people, when they see letters, each letter has its own color. Some, when they hear a name or word, taste something. It is a fascinating disease.

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It is unknown, the only thing we know is that he hates maroon. It could possibly be Orange as Harry noted that Ron's room was a "violent shade of Orange", the same color of his favorite Quidditch team.

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What does it mean if a girl wears an orange bra?

If a girl wears an orange bra, it means that she is confident, bright, optimistic, courageous and DYNAMIC. Miles Davis once said "Play what you don't hear, not what you hear". when a girl has the courage to express herself through a color as charismatic and vibrant as orange, she is essentially wearing a miles Davis Jazz tune.... need I say more?

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Many sounds that you can hear like sleigh bells, advertisement on tv you can think of many things. -Mrs.Lautner

What is monoranjosis?

monoranjosis is a disease that disallows people to hear the word orange, see orange say orange and smell orange

Can you use Natural Instincts Week 2 Color Refresher before two weeks pass?

i wouldn't use it all. I hear everyone's hair is turning orange!

When do people usually start remembering things?

Most people begin to form memories around 3 years of age, known as childhood amnesia, as the brain's ability to store and retrieve memories is still developing. However, memories from early childhood can be influenced by factors such as language development and emotional significance of events.