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Q: This dad keeps his eggs on his feet where they are covered with a featered flap?
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What dad keeps his eggs on his feet where they are covered with a feathered flap?


What animal dad keeps his eggs on his feet where they are covered with feathered flap?


What animal dad keeps his eggs on his feet where they are covered with a feathered flap?


What dad keeps his eggs on his feet where they are covered with a feathered flap animal dads?


What keeps pinnipeds warm?

they have several layers of feathers and they have feet covered in feathers to keep warm

How big is Ashleigh thurms feet?

As of August 2013, the exact size of Ashleigh Thurm's feet is not known. It is rumored that she has big feet, but she keeps them covered most of the time.

What animal dad keeps it's eggs warm under it's feet?

Penguins, but the egg aren't under their feet, but in a pouch. Watch the movie The March of the Penguins.

What force keeps your feet on the ground?

Gravity keeps your feet on the ground. It is also what keeps every living and non living thing attached to the earth.

Why do penguins keep their eggs on their feet?

penguins keep their eggs on their feet to keep the egg warm.if its not on their feet it might die.

Which father bird guards its egg for two months?

The Emperor Penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica. A father Emperor penguin withstands the Antarctic cold for 60 days or more to protect his eggs, which he keeps on his feet, covered with a feathered flap. During this entire time he doesn't eat a thing.

What keeps your feet on the ground?


Can penguins eggs touch ice?

Penguins' feet are where eggs are hatched, covered by the belly flap of fat that the penguin parents flop over the top of the egg to keep it warm. Notably, Emperor Penguin males hatch eggs this way, so the females can trek off to open water to feed.