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carbon dioxide

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Q: This gas is given off when acid react with carbonates?
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What reacts with carbonates a base or an acid?

As carbonates are mildly basic, anything acid will react with them (releasing carbon dioxide gas).

What do carbonates do when you add acid into them?

The carbonates will react with acid to form carbon dioxide, a gas which turns lime water cloudy, water, and a salt.

What gas is given off when acid reacts with rocks?

The most common one would be carbon dioxide, which is given off when strong acids react with rocks containing carbonates.

What gas is given off when metal carbonated react with acids?

carbon dioxide is released carbonates react with acids

Why does baking powder contain carbonates and an acid?

When moist, the acid is able to react with the carbonates to create carbon dioxide gas, which creates tiny bubles in the mixture, making the cake very light, rather than solid or stodgy.

Why does temperature of an acid affect the rate of reactivity?

all acid contain the element hydrogen. all metal carbonates react with dilute acid giving off carbon dioxide gas.

What gas do acids produce when they react with carbonates?

The gas carbon dioxide is released.

When metals react with acids what gas is given off?

Hydrogen gas is given off when metal reacts with acid. e.g. Zn + 2HCl ------> ZnCl2 + H2

Which gas is evolved when carbonates are treated with acid?

Carbon dioxide gas, CO2(gas)

What gas is given off when acid is added to a metal?

Hydrogen gas. (But this is not with all metals as some like gold do not react with acid)

Is it true when acids react with carbonates a gas called carbon dioxide is given off?

Yes. Even Bicarbonates also give out Carbon dioxide.

The gas given off when magnesium reacts with acid?

Hydrogen. The same is true for when most metals react with an acid.