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Q: This is a persuasive technique in which an author creates a BALANCED sentence by re-using the same word structure?
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This is a persuasive technique in which an author creates a BALANCED sentence by re-using the same word structure.?


What is the word for this definition a persuasive technique in which a word phrase or entire sentence is repeated to reinforce the speaker's message?


What is a balanced sentence?

A balanced sentence is a type of sentence in which each part is of equal importance or length, creating a sense of harmony and symmetry in the writing. This structure helps to emphasize the contrast or similarity between the two parts, making the sentence more impactful and memorable for the reader.

Persuasive in a sentence?

Salesmen have to be persuasive to sell things.

What technique is most clearly being used to influence the reader in the following sentence?

Without the context or sentence provided, it is difficult to identify the specific technique being used to influence the reader. Some common techniques include emotional appeal, repetition, rhetorical questions, and persuasive language.

What is a variation of poem's sentence structure?

A variation of poem's sentence structure is called enjambment. This technique involves running a sentence or phrase over multiple lines in a poem, rather than ending it with the line break. Enjambment can create a sense of flow or tension in the poem's rhythm and structure.

What is personification sentence using the word collapse?

The balanced structure was so unstable that it could collapse at any moment.

How short can a persuasive essay be?

There is no precise demarcation of the lower wordage limit for a persuasive essay. If you just wrote one sentence, it might be persuasive but it would not be considered to be an essay. You might be able to get away with a three sentence essay, if those sentence were very well composed.

How do you use rhetoric in a complete sentence?

His rhetoric is persuasive.

What is this structure?

What sentence structure is this? - It is a simple structure for an interrogative sentence.

What literary technique does Kafka use in this sentence?

Kafka uses the literary technique of metaphor in this sentence.

What is the word for sentence structure?

Sentence Structure