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Q: This is going to be weird but is it normal for the middle of of your breast to icht when you are growing them?
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My daughter just started growing breast buds. but it's only growing on the right side and not on her left. Is that normal?

I'd say yes. My breast is bigger on the left. Not too noticeable But if it keeps going i mean for a few years or so, I'd ask a doctor or something.

If your ten year old daughter just start growing breast and in one month they start to get bigger than normal should you be suspicious?

No--she is going through puberty.

Is it normal for 11 year old to start growing facial hair?

No, You are probably going to die.

Can your breast still be leaking milk 1 year after giving birth and never breast feeding?

Its quite possible for that to happen, due to any number of factors.

Can men drink women breast milk?

As is Semen and the fluids a vagina produces during arousal, Breastmilk is safe to drink as well. Like any bodily fluid, it can pass STD's such as HIV so it is best make sure the woman/partner supplying the milk be clean from these. Men who do engage in the consumption of breast milk generally feel healthier and Breast milk is also under going testing to find out why it can prevent prostate cancers from growing.

My breast are developing at age 9 and I have pubic hair. Is that normal?

Yes you can. I might be going through puberty, My breasts are developing and I have pubic hair and I'm 9

What IS 7-12 years old called?

You can call them kids or children but in older word A tween; because they are growing in the middle of going to teenager.

You found a lump near your breast and near breast bone what could it be?

i had these symptoms. went to the doc she did mammograms and ultrsounds and sent me home saying that those were clear and that i would just have to learn to live with this painful growing lump in my breast on the inner part near the breast bone. thank god i had enogh sense to demand an mri because she didnt want to give me one. it was the mri that found stage 4 breast cancer growing into my breast bone and ribs. i am now in a med malpractice lawsuit with her while going through chemo. my warning to you is this- see a doc and be persistent. demand an mri! mammos and ultrasound are useless!

How much more does a full breast weigh?

It depends on the size of the breast. If your breast is bigger then its going to weigh more

Is it normal to not have underarm body odor?

yes of course when you start going through puberty and sutff like your boobs are growing and you have periods unless you are a boy then you wont have boobs anyway it is very common like me i am having underarm body oder just because i am going through puberty and my boobs are growing and my private spot is growing hairy so yeah it is common

If at eight weeks your breast tenderness is going away and now only your nipples are sensitive is this normal or are you going to miscarry?

If your eight weeks pregnant and your breast tenderness goes away, it doesn't mean that you are going to miscarry. Everyone's body is different. It's o.k. If your so worried than why don't you go get an ultrasound to see if your baby is alright. It's good to get ultrasounds early in your pregnancy anyway.

Started when I was 12 now I'm 15. Why aren't my breast going back to normal?

Because puberty's over on average at the age of 21. If in 6 years you still have "them" then you should ask the question :)