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The cat is foaming from being exposed to the gaseous spray from the skunk (sort of like if you had been sprayed in the face with mustard gas), foaming and drooling from the mouth, as well as watery eyes and nose are some side affects a sprayed victim is going to exhibit. This is how the body naturally responds in trying to get rid of/wash away the skunk spray. If an animal or person had been infected by rabies they would not instantly show symptoms of the infection (this only happens in movies such as, "Twenty Eight Days Later"). It usually takes 20 to 60 days for the infected victim to show the classic rabies symptoms; such as violent behavior, foaming of the mouth (due to painful swallowing and the inability to drink water), excessive physical sensitivity (sight, sound, touch), etc... In order for the victim to have the rabies virus it would have had to have been bitten by the infected animal or been sprayed in the eyes, mouth, or open wound by the virus infested saliva. Of corse two of the main urban area carries of rabies are usually skunks and raccoons, so unless you live on a rabies free island it would be best to make sure that all of your outdoor pets are up to date on all of their shots (even a cow can become infected with rabies).

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Q: This morning my cat was sprayed by a skunk. Now he is foaming at the mouth an hour later. Is it Rabies?
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Your veterinarian can test for this. If you are concerned make an appointment and have the puppy checked. A vet cannot test for rabies until after the animal is deceased, then a test is performed on the brain of the animal for conformation of the virus. If rabies is suspected the animal is quarentined and watched over a period of timed for signs of progression of the disease. If the animal appears to be fine he/she is released from quarentine, if rabies is apparent, he/she is put down and then as I said before the test for conformation is performed on the brain. The only way your puppy could have rabies is if he was bitten by another animal with the disease, and most breeders and pet stores give the first round of puppy shots, which should have included his CRV (rabies) you would have just needed to get him his adult shot at 12 weeks. Rabies has 3 stages, though the dog may or may not show all 3. The first sign is a change in behavior, and he may have a fever. He will eventually get very angry, restless, and irritable, and then later have salvitary issues (hence the foaming of the mouth), trouble swollowing, labored breathing, and paralyzed face muscles and eventually go into respitory failure. I worked for a vet and we had a lot of concerned people about rabies, but I've never seen a case. Vaccinate your pet.

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Around 60 to 90 days though signs can show earlier or later. Few cases have reported showing symptoms up to a year later.

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Can a dog who has bitten a person and not transmitted rabies infect another person they bite later?

This question is rather confusing. However, if a dog is biting people this much, the dog needs attention of some kind. If a dog bites someone, there is probably a law in your area (if you are from the US) that it needs to be reported and then quarantined for ten days. That's the law in NYS where I live. This is to be certain the dog doesn't have rabies. My dog bit someone and even though we had proof that she had rabies vaccinations, we had to quarantine her for ten days. If your dog does not have rabies and is not vaccinated it will not catch rabies by biting a person unless the person the dog bit was carrying rabies, which is very, very unlikely. An animal catches rabies from other infected animals, from either getting scratched or bitten by that animal, or from eating a dead animal that had rabies. That's why it is so important to get your dog vaccinated every year.

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