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gun control

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Q: This was an attempt to reduce violence caused by use of firearms by regulating their ownership?
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Related questions

Why is a national firearms ban reasonable?

You are asking for an opinion. In my opinion, it is not reasonable. Countries that have implemented a firearms ban have found a corresponding increase in violent crime. Once a criminal is certain that their victim will not be able to defend themselves, they become more blatant in their actions. I would also point out that criminal acts took place prior to the creation of firearms. A ban on firearms is an attempt to regulate he behavior of people by regulating things. People commit arson, but we do not attempt to ban matches, lighters, or flint-and-steel.

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Why were the Paris attacks considered an act of terrorism?

APEX - The attackers used violence to create fear in an attempt to change French policy.

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Rebellion is an organized attempt to overthrow a government or other authority by the use of violence.

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ETA and other Basque groups have committed acts of violence and terror to attempt to create an independent Basque State. Most Basque violence has been focused on Spain as opposed to France.

What does totalitarianism attempt to control by regulating?

Totalitarianism attempts to control all aspects of social life. This concept became prominent during the Cold War era.

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Most treatment efforts attempt to reduce pain and inflammation. Corticosteroids such as Prednisone are prescribed since they are effective at regulating inflammatory responses.

Martin Luther King Jr's life was dedicated to what?

To Non-Violence and the attempt to have all people treated equally.

How terrorist action is justifiable is justifiable?

Terrorism is the practice of making people fearful. It uses violence or the threat of violence in an attempt to achieve and end that has not been possible by political or other peaceful means. There is no justification for it in the minds of reasonable people.

Are cartoon violence video games bad?

some say yes as it influences others but i depends on the programme and who you are According to social psychologists, early and continued exposure to media violence, including violent video games, causes children to regard such violence as the norm and often attempt to imitate it in real life.

Is the interstate commerce act a valid example of pure socialism?

The Interstate Commerce act has nothing to do with socialism. Socialism has to do with ownership of the means of production and distribution, which means how the surplus value generated by the means of production is used. It is an example of government interventionism in a market-based economy. It did not attempt to change the method of ownership and allocation of surplus value in the railroad industry, nor did it attempt to introduce worker self-management.