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Q: Those who did own slaves owned many due to the fact that property was large enough to merit additional workers.?
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Why were slaves use in American colonies to perform labor?

There were not enough workers.

How were the slaves made?

Slaves began when farmers looked for workers to labor their fields, and blacks were the most convenient choice because whites regarded them as property.

What were Slaves are counted as?

slaves were viewed as property not as people

What did ancient Egyptian unskilled workers do?

unskilled workers were to, at the time, build the the great pyramid because eventhough they had slaves they werent enough so the king forced them into it as well :)

Did Plantation workers include indentured servants and slaves?

No. Indentured workers were very early in colonial history and slaves replaced them as workers.

Why did slaves' deaths rarely bother plantation owners?

They viewed slaves as property that could simply be replaced.

How were the slaves freedom denied?

The slaves' freedom was denied by the concept that slaves were property, not human beings, and all human beings are free, but not property, so slaves were denied freedom due to the concept that slaves were property, not people.

Did the slaves get and how much?

Slaves didn't earn anything, they where treated as property, and you don't pay your property

Was slaves counted as part of the population for representation as property for taxation?

was slaves counted as people or property

How are slaves important as farm workers?


What was the social structure of Greek society?

Male property owners, small and large. Male non-property owners - artisans and workers. Male resident aliens. Male non-resident aliens. Women and children. Slaves.

In what ways were slaves defined as property?

slaves were defined property by who ever bought them,traded them, or worked on there plantations.