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Q: Those who supported the ratification of the US Constitution promised to add a bill of rights in order to?
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Jefferson supported ratification of the Constitution but he disliked what about the document?

the omission of a bill of rights

Which of the following is true about the Federalists?

They supported ratification of the Constitution and opposed a bill of rights.

A list of guarantees that federalists promised to add to the constitution in order to win ratification?

Bill of Rights

Why Bill of Rights was added to the constitution?

It was added as a compromise between those that supported ratification of the Constitution, called Federalists, and those that were opposed to ratification, called Anti-federalists. Anti-federalists agreed to support ratification of the Constitution if the Bill of Rights was added later, which is why the Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.

When ratified the Constitution did not contain a Bill of Right?

In 1789 during the ratification process, the Constitution did not include a Bill of Rights.

Who promised the Bill of Rights on the US Constitution?

James Madison promised the Bill Of Rights on the constitution While James Madison was the primary mover of the Bill of Rights through the First Congress, the leadership of the Federalists (those in favor of the Constitution) had to generally promise to add a Bill of Rights during the ratification debates at the state ratifying conventions. There were many states that would not have ratified without the promise, and George Washington used his position as president to move the matter through Congress as well. Adding the Bill became part of the Federalist mantra when ratification seemed in jeopardy, and various states demanded the addition as a price for ratification.

Why did antifederalists argue against ratification of the constitution?

it had no bill of rights

In 1789 during the ratification process the constitution?

did not include a bill of rights

What was added to convince the opponents of the constitution to suppport ratification?

Bill of rights

Who opposed ratification of the Constitution until after the inclusion of a bill of rights?


What did the Federalists agree to add to the Constitution after its ratification?

bill of rights

What key concession at the Federalist made to ensure the constitution would be ratified?

They promised to support key ammendments to the Constitution.