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Those who were opposed to private ownership of industries and wanted either the government or workers themselves to take over these industries were called socialists.

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Q: Those who were opposed to private ownership of industries and wanted either the government or workers themselves to take over these industries were called?
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Those who were opposed to private ownership of industries and wanted either the government or workers themselves to take over these industries were called .?

Those who were opposed to private ownership of industries and wanted either the government or workers themselves to take over these industries were called socialists.

True or False Populists support government ownership of the railroads?

Populism takes different forms in different times and places. In the current political situation, populists in the US seem to be very much in favor of free enterprise and opposed to government ownership of anything. In Venezuela, populism has favored government ownership and has been hostile to free enterprise.

The tariffs would raise money for the government and protect American industries from foreign competition. Who opposed the tariffs and why ?

The south because they had little industry .

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1. To allow the infant industries grow. 2.To allow local industries enjoy economies of trade. 3.To put to optimum use the scarce resources available. 4.To encourage exports as opposed to imports. 5.To enhance employment levels in the economy because more people will be employed in the local industries.

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England has a long history. During its existence, there have been many conflicts. Here are a few of them:* Creating a monarchy that opposed the power of the nobility; * Creating a new religion that opposed Catholicism; * Conflicts concerning how best to manage its colonial empire; and * Converting many privately owned businesses to the control of the British government; and * Conflicts on which industries should be sent back to corporations, divesting them from government controls.

Protective tariff against Jefferson?

Yes, Thomas Jefferson WAS AGAINST it. Both Jefferson and Madison opposed this protectionist economic policy, fearing that industries would become too dependent upon government aid.

What is another word for federal government?

National Government, Central government(as opposed to state)

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Henry opposed the formation of a strong central (Federal) government, feeling the each state should govern themselves. Yes, his concerns were justified, as that convention created the US Constitution, and give rise to the Federal government he opposed.

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the patriots

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He thought that it was a way of thinking that opposed private property and supported common ownership.