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Q: Though his intention was to use pacing in his speech to mesmerize his audience it had an undesired erudite effect instead as he went on and on several audience members nodded off to sleep?
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What is the diction of the speech you have a dream?

Are you talking about Martin Luther Kind Jr's speech, "I have a dream..."

What happened to the Moors?

They were in part, absorbed into the Spanish population, and were referred to as Moros by the Spanish. Some were forcibly re-settled in Spanish colonies such as the Philippines- where they caused trouble- for the Spanish and later US officials. Tghere are plenty of Spanish-Speaking people of Moorish descent- as was the Navigator on one of Columbus" ships.

How has conquest affected culture in libya and maghreb?

There have been quite a number of conquests in the Maghreb and Libya.Probably the most transformative conquest was that of the Arab Islamic Caliphate in the 7th century. These Caliphates changed North Africa from a Roman area populated predominantly by Christian or Donatist (a Christian Heretical Group) individuals who considered themselves ethnic Amazigh (Berbers) to Arab-identifying Muslims. Amazigh Languages and Latin were sublimated to Arabic, conversions to Islam became more and more routine, and ethnic Amazigh who refused to assimilate where exiled to the mountainous areas (like the Atlas Mountain range in Morocco and Algeria) or the inhospitable inland deserts (like the Sahara). Most things about modern culture in Libya and the Maghreb, like language, where cities are located, the cultural disposition and centrality of Islam all track back to this conquest.Another conquest that has a transformative effect was that of the European Colonizers. In the case of the Maghreb, French influence was instrumental in creating a more erudite upper-crust, especially in Morocco and Tunisia, and resulting in the end of political inequality for Non-Muslims. In Algeria, the latter resulted in Algerian Jews choosing French citizenship over a place in Algerian society. In the case of Libya, Italian colonization forced the various tribes of Cyrenaica, Fezzan and Tripolitania to exist under one non-responsive government, creating the tribal animosity that is a hallmark of modern Libyan Politics.

Why did Winston Churchill go to war?

Yes he was. He was encouraging during the war and he spoke from the hip and didn't sugar coat what was happening. If he made a mistake he would be honest about it. When times were tough he was always a beacon of hope and encouragement (he did suffer from depression so this would have been quite a feat and shows the dedication of this man. Truth is eluded through most wars from most governments.) His would often discuss certain political details with his wife who was a very wise and often helpful aide for him.

What contribution did mercy Otis warren make?

Mercy Otis Warren (1728-1814) was America's first female playwright and first female historian of the American Revoution. In the early years of the struggle for independence from Great Britain, Mercy became famous for her outspoken writings for liberty, social equality and fair government and later. While her three popular anti-Tory, anti-British propoganda plays were anonymously written during the Revoution, Mercy's subsequent writings on liberty, thrift and respect,for the voice of the people as well as her treatise pleading for a Bill of Right enabled her eventual recognition not only as the conscience of the Revolution but its muse because of her erudite literary style. Her lifelong work, "The History of the Rise,Progress and Termination of the American Revolution," pubilshed in three volumes in 1805 was the sole Jeffersonian democratic interpretation of the American Revolution published in that era. Mercy Otis Warren was the younger sister of James Otis, Jr., the firebrand who first protested to the Crown that "taxation without representation," and thus sparked the initial protests that led to the Revolution. Her husband, James Warren, was president of the Provincial Congress in Massachusetts during the Revolution and frequently served as Speaker in the Massachusetts General Court, or Assembly. These associations, along with her friendships with John and Abigal Adams placed Mercy in the center of the action when the British first occupied Boston in 1775. Nancy Rubin Stuart, Author, The Muse of the REvolution: The Secret Pen of Mercy Otis Warren and the Founding of a Nation ( Beacon Press, 2008, 2009).

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Erudite is an adjective.

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What is the meaning of the word erudite?

(erudite means learned, very knowledgeable)In public, he assumed a sophisticated and erudite manner.Although experienced and erudite, the professor did not communicate well with his students.

Is erudite a noun?

No, erudite is an adjective used to describe someone who has a lot of knowledge.

What is a sentence using the word erudite?

Not much of a scholar, Justin was intimidated by his erudite girlfriend.

Can you give me a sentenced using erudite?

The professor could turn any conversation into an erudite discussion.

What is erudite English?

erudite English would mean scholarly English, the King's English, learned English. Erudite means - learned, well-informed, well-educated, well-versed, literate, well-read, cultured, cultivated, scholarly, thoughtful, intelligent, well-reasoned, wise, sapient. The professor was an erudite man. The TV newscaster was known for his erudite comments. Probably not "kings English"

Why did Tris not choose Erudite in Divergent?

Tris didn't choose Erudite because she believed, as she was taught from her father, that the Erudite are 'bad', they were tearing down her old faction with lies and rumors, and she thought that they might find out about her Divergence there.

What does wise and erudite mean?

wise - having the experience and judgment to know what is true and right. erudite - having extensive scholarship, learning and knowledge. wise and erudite - having the knowledge and judgment to know what is true and right.

The word erudite in a sentence?

the word erudite can be used in a sentence like.............well the you go theres a sentence for the word eruditeThe young lady was less than erudite in the phrasing of her responses. All in all her erudition was poor.

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How do you say erudite in spanish?

erudito, letrado