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Q: Tiny free-floating weakly swimming algae and animals that occur in both freshwater and saltwater are called?
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Animals that can live in both saltwater and freshwater?

a type of free-floating and weekly swimming algae

The tiny free floating weakly swimming algae and animals that occur in both freshwater and saltwater environments are called?

Plankton I think..

How many different animals on an estuary?

Only animals that can live in freshwater or saltwater live in an estuary because estuaries are places where freshwater and saltwater meet.

Are brine shrimp freshwater?

no, as brine shrimp are saltwater animals and will not survive in freshwater.

Do the same animals live in freshwater and saltwater habitats?


What is the difference between saltwater creatures and freshwater creatures?

Maybe that saltwater animal can endure hard water and freshwater animals can't.

Are crayfish saltwater or freshwater animals?

Some species of crayfish, such as the spiny lobster, are saltwater animals, while other species, such as the kabby or koura, are freshwater animals. It all depends on which species of crayfish you are referring to.

How do animals use the water?

They drink freshwater, and if they're a fish, they breathe saltwater or freshwater through their gills.

Where amoeba lives?

An Amoeba lives in Lakes and in Humans and Animals

How are freshwater animals different from saltwater animal?

because of cold blooded animals and warm blooded animals are different in the water.

Does marine life live in the great lakes?

Not saltwater fish, but some freshwater animals/fish.

Are Alligators marine animals?

Chinese alligators are American Alligators used to but now they are protected