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Atlas was the titan in Greek mythology who was forced to bear the heavens on his shoulders.

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Q: Titan in greek mythology forced to bear the heavens on his shoulders?
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Who is the titan who held the earth?

In Greek Mythology the Titan that held the heavens from the Earth was Atlas. But often in art he is depicted as holding the round Earth itself on his shoulders.

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Atlas.Also, he was a Titan.?

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hi yall

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Who was Calypso in Greek mythology?

Calypso was a Titan, the daughter of Atlas. (Atlas is the Titan who holds the weight of the Heavens on his shoulders for eternity.) She sided with the Titans in the war, and therefore was imprisoned on an island, Ogygia. Her island was a paradise; unfortunately, she was completely alone. Hope this helps!

What was atlas' powers in greek mythology?

The Greek gods didn't have "powers" like superheroes. Atlas was a Titan and the personification of Endurance. He aided in the Titan's revolt against Zeus and was punished by being forced to hold up the heavens on his shoulders. In some stories, he sees Perseus on his way home from slaying Medusa and asks to see her head. That turns him into stone - which is the explanation for the Atlas mountains in North Africa.

Who was the Greek god who carried the world on his shoulders?

Atlas was the Titan who was forced to bear the world on his shoulders.

What did atlas hold on his shoulders?

Many people and paintings depict the titan Atlas holding up the world. This is entirely not true. When the gods of Greek Mythology beat their older relatives (the titans) in a war, Zeus assigned the strongest titan (Atlas) to hold up the SKY not the world.

What did the atlas rule in greek mythology?

Atlas was the titan who held the earth on his shoulders as punishment for cracking a pillar in the underworld during the great titan war.

Who was the mythological god who held the world his shoulders?

The ancient Greeks believed that the Titans revolted against Zeus, and that for his part in the revolt, Atlas was made to support the heavens on his shoulders. This is often misinterpreted as holding the world on his shoulders.

What does it mean to say the weight of the world on shoulders?

To have the weight of the world on your shoulders means that your commitments have you under pressure. This expression comes from the Ancient Greek Titan Atlas, who was forced to literally carry the world on his shoulders.

What is name of Moon of Saturn named after the mythical Greek Titan who was forced to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders by Zeus?
