

Translate Christian to Arabic

Updated: 10/10/2023
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14y ago

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"Infidel" means faithless and refers only to atheists, not Christians and Jews.

The correct answer is Maseehi which comes from the name of Jesus Christ in Arabic which is Yasou Al-Maseeh.

Nisrani is incorrect because it refers to Ebionites, Nestorians, Maryamites, and few other heretics that lived in the Arabic Peninsula during and before early days of Islam.

There is no word for Christian in the Quran. Christians are not mentioned by name in the Quran. Masih is Christ or Messiah and Isa al Masih ibn Mariam is the name of the Christ of the Quran.

Muslims have been misled to believe that Isa and Jesus were the same when both the Quran and The Bible show that Jesus was not the name of the Christ or Messiah.

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke show that there was an unauthorised change of name that was not mentioned in any prophecy and does not appear in the Old Testament.

Christian belief is strongly condemned in the Quran, which puts Christians among the "infidels" and/or polytheists with their Trinity or Three Gods in one and their son of God.

The Quran confirms that the crucifixion was a hoax and that Christ was not crucified. The Bible agrees with the Quran and shows that two thieves were crucified with both thieves separately identified as Jesus King of The Jews.

Maseehi should be the correct Arabic name for Christians but Arab Muslims have wrongfully identified Nasaaraa as Christians because they failed to understand that Helpers (Nasaaraa or Nasrani or Ansar) was the name by which the companions of Isa al Masih (Christ) were known.

Christians are not mentioned in the Gospels but there is mention of Nazarenes and of Nazareth, which also form part of the Crucifixion Hoax.

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9y ago

It depends on what you mean.

Christian as a name would only be transliterated, i.e. Kristyaan (كريستيان).

Christian referring to an adherent of Christianity is most commonly translated as Mesihi (مسيحي), but may also be translated as Nesaaraa (نصارى).

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7y ago

Translation: Masihi (مسيحي) OR Nasraani (نصراني)

Notes: Masihi is the most common term used for Christians, especially if those Christians are not from the Arab World, such as European Christians, American Christians or East/Southeast Asian Christians. The plural of Masihi is Masihiyun (مسيحيون) or Masihiyin (مسيحيين) depending on the relevant declension. Nasraani is a broken plural, so the plural is rendered is Nasaaraa (نصارى).

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14y ago

christian = maseehiy

the Messiah = Al Maseeh

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12y ago

Jesus Christ - يسوع المسيح‎

According to Google translate

I could only find it written in Arabic...

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كريستين or كريستيان

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مسيحي maseehee

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