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Q: True of false hot highly ionized electrically conducting gas is called plasma?
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The state of matter that occurs at very high temperatures such as in a lighting strike?

The state of matter that occurs at very high temperatures such as in a lightning strike is known as plasma. Plasma is considered the fourth state of matter and is formed when gases become ionized, creating a mixture of positively charged ions and free electrons. This results in a highly energized and electrically conductive state of matter.

From which layer of the Sun does the solar wind originate?

The solar wind originates from the outermost layer of the Sun called the corona, which is the Sun's tenuous outer atmosphere. The corona is made up of highly ionized gas that is so hot it can escape the Sun's gravitational pull and flow outwards into space, creating the solar wind.

If a neutral atom of sodium has 11 protons how many electrons does it have?

An element with 11 protons will have atomic number 11, or sodium. If the element has 11 neutrons, then it has an atomic mass of 11+11 = 22. Therefore, the isotope Sodium-22 has 11 protons, neutrons, and electrons.

What foods contain Francium?

None. Francium is highly reactive, and highly radioactive. It doesn't exist free in nature.

What is the reaction of fluorine with iron wool?

Fluorine reacts vigorously with iron wool, producing iron(III) fluoride (FeF3) and iron(II) fluoride (FeF2) as the main products. The reaction is highly exothermic and can be violent due to the strong oxidizing nature of fluorine. Protective measures should be taken when conducting this reaction due to the release of toxic fumes and potential fire hazards.

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A gaseous mixture of highly ionized particles?


Is Hcl a strong acid because it is highly ionized?

Yes, HCl is considered a strong acid because it dissociates almost completely into hydrogen ions (H+) and chloride ions (Cl-) in aqueous solutions. This high degree of ionization contributes to its strong acidic properties.

What is highly electrically charged layer of air?


Which is more highly ionized HCl or CH3COOH?

HCl is more highly ionized than CH3COOH. When HCl dissolves in water, it completely dissociates into H+ and Cl- ions, while CH3COOH only partially dissociates into H+ and CH3COO- ions. This difference is due to the strength of the bonds in the molecules, with HCl having a stronger bond than CH3COOH, making it easier to break apart into ions.

Generally a solution of an organic compound in water will be electrically what?

Generally, a solution of an organic compound in water will be electrically neutral. Organic compounds do not typically dissociate into ions in water like ionic compounds, so the solution will not conduct electricity unless there are ions present from other sources.

How would the spectra from galaxies appear?

They have broad emission lines of highly ionized elements.

Is there more states of matter?

The states of matter are:solidliquidgasplasma (hot highly ionized gas)

What is fourth state of matter describe breifly?

This state of matter is plasma: a highly ionized gas.

What is the stucture of the sun?

It is made up of a very hot gas, usually called "plasma" and considered a different state of matter than gas. The difference from a normal gas is that it is highly ionized.

What is plasma in a plasma TV?

highly ionized gas that glows in various colors: red, green, and blue in a TV.

What is the least condensed state of matter?

The least condensed state of matter is plasma. Plasma is a state of matter in which atoms are stripped of their electrons, leading to a highly ionized and electrically conductive mixture of charged particles. Plasma is found in stars, lightning, and in some man-made technologies like plasma TVs and fusion reactors.

Is the atomic number of an atom is 11 how many electrons does the atom have?

You cannot know for sure withoutmore information. An electrically neutral sodium atom (sodium has at. no. 11) will have the same number of electrons as protons; atomic number tells you the number of protons, so this atom has 11 protons and would have 11 electrons if electrically neutral, however, if the atom is charged, it could have more or fewer electrons. Sodium atoms in stars are highly ionized and may have just a few if any any electrons.