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Q: True or false a cell's shape helps it perform its specific function.?
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True or false a cell's shape helps it perform its specific function?


Is it True or False that all cells have the same structure but different functions?

False - cells can differ in structure in order to perform a specific function. For example, neurons (nerve cells) are electrically excitable. These have an axon (long section that conducts impulses, and ends which branch out - called dendrite. This is an example of a cell structure unique to a certain function.

A tissue is a group of dissimilar cells that are organized into a functional unit?

A tissue is a group of similar cells that perform a common function.

Is a group of similar cells performing the same function an organ?


Is A group of similar cells performing the same function is an organ.?


Do the cells in many-celled organism often have different sizes and shapes?

With cells, the rule of thumb is, structure defines function. Different cells throughout the body perform different functions. To perform these functions, they need different shapes. They all have the same DNA, but different "blueprints" are activated depending on where they are in the body.

Each virus can enter only a few types of cells in a few specific species true or false?

I believe it's false!!

What does the term tissue mean?

A tissue is a bundle of cells that have a function. For example the lining of your small intestine is a tissue and has the function to absorb nutrients. This also goes for the lining of your lungs, bone marrow and stomach lining. Don't be confused with muscle because muscle is a bundle of tissues.

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lymphatic tissue

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Can there be a loss of mental function in the late stages of AIDS because HIV also destroys nerve cells?
