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Q: True or false sovereignty refers to the supreme absolute power of a state within its own territory?
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Is it true or false that sovereignty refers to the supreme absolute power of a state within its own territory?

True, a state (Country) can not be sovereign if it does not have supreme authority to rule within its own territory. true

This term refers to the supreme authority within a states borders?

sovereignty A+

What are the 5 attributes of sovereignty?

The five attributes of sovereignty are territory, population, government, international recognition, and independence. Territory refers to a defined geographical area under a state's control, population refers to the people living within that territory, government refers to the authority and institutions that govern the state, international recognition refers to acknowledgement by other states, and independence refers to the autonomy and freedom from external control.

What term refers to the supreme authority within a states borders?

This term refers to the supreme authority within a state's borders.

What is territorial water?

Territorial water refers to the extent of the sovereignty of a coastal State beyond the land territory.

Which term refers to the idea that settlers had the right to decide whether slavery would be legal in their territory?

Popular sovereignty is the term that refers to the idea that settlers had the right to decide whether slavery would be legal in their territory. This concept was a key issue in the lead-up to the Civil War in the United States.

Example of sovereignty?

Sovereignty is supreme power or authority as in the authority of a state or government. An example would be a colony demanding full sovereignty.

What refers to a nations final political authority?


Is a sovereignty refers to the land and water of a country?


What place does territory occupy?

Territory refers to a defined geographic area that is often used for political or administrative purposes. It can encompass land, water, or airspace, and plays a critical role in delineating boundaries, determining jurisdiction, and establishing sovereignty. Territory can have significant implications for issues such as resources, governance, and international relations.

What are different types of sovereignty?

1. Internal sovereignty- It is the supreme authority of a State over the activities taking place within its territory and to exclude others from doing any unauthorized interference. It is of two types-(i) Legal sovereignty- It is the power to make law and to repeal or modofy existing laws.(ii) Political sovereignty- It implies that the will of 'political sovereign' is ultimately obeyed by the citizens of the State. It is the political sovereignty that comes into play in international law.2. External sovereignty- It relates to the recognition on the part of all States that each possesses this power in equal measure.

Which of the followinq terms refers to the ability to self-govern?
