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Congress did not approve of President Truman's plan to end racial discrimination. Executive Order 9981 ended racial discrimination in the military.

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Q: Truman's plan to end racial discrimination was not approved by?
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Which did not approve Truman's plan to end racial discrimination?


Why did A Philip Randolph plan a march on Washington in 1941?

To protest segregation in the defense industries

What wasa trumans promise of aid to countries fighting communism called?

The Marshall Plan

Which of these did not approve Truman's plan to end racial discrimination?

President Truman's efforts to end racial discrimination met with an obstinate Congress. Congress had a Republican majority that sought to block much of his legislation. The Democrats, on the other hand were split. Some felt Truman was committing political suicide bringing up the topic, and the southern Democrats opposed it because they were segregationists.

One example of President Trumans response to Communist aggression after World War second was the Marshall Plan. This plan did what?

Provided funding for the economic reconstruction of Western Europe.

What year was the marshall plan approved?

i think it was approved in the year 1947

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The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) .

Who approved the Marshall Plan?

Woodrow Wilson.

This program proposed by trumans secretary of state would assist war-torn nations in Europe though economic aid by the US?

The Marshall Plan

Why did A. Philip Randolh plan a march on Washington?

At one time, the government did not hire African-Americans for federal jobs. Philip Randolph decided to organize a march on Washington to protest this in 1941. The result was President Roosevelt banning discrimination for federal hiring.

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Of course she approved! It was HER plan, not his.

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A Baseline Project Plan is the Project Management Plan that is created by the Project Manager and is approved by the Project Sponsor and the Senior Management. The Approved/baseline plan outlines how the project will be handled from start to finish and is like the bible for the project