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You could be pregnant. I had brown spotting 10 days before my period was suppose to start. 5 days later I took a First Response (5 days before your missed period) and it came back positive. If you take it that early and it comes out negative, it could be a false negative. It is still best to wait 5 to 10 days after a missed period. Good luck!

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Q: Trying to get pregnant period isn't due for 7 days for 2 days i have had light brown spotting is it normal could it be implantation spotting when should i test the bleeding is now gone?
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Is there a way to know whether you're pregnant before missing a period if you've been trying for several months but this month you didn't have any brown spotting which is implantation bleeding?

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I haven't heard of this being normal in your situation hun. Spotting can occur which is known as implantation bleeding 8-12 after intercourse. However, if you had the transfer 8 days ok then it could be implantation bleeding but I really cannot be certain. Contact your Doctor for advice.

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I can't answer how long it stays in your system, by when I went to consult with an ob-gyn about migraine medications and trying to get pregnant, he told me I could take imitrex from the first day of your period until I ovulated. So from that, I would guess it doesn't stay in your system too long, or he would have told me not to take it while trying to get pregnant. I would caution that sometimes when you get pregnant, you might have light spotting upon implantation of the egg into your uterine wall, so wait until you know for sure that your bleeding is actually your period.

I never spot but am trying to conceive and had brownish discharge after three days of trying Could this be implantation bleeding?

Yes, it could be. Take a test

You are feeling light cramps and have had spotting for a few minutes one day skipped one day then light spots another day could this be a sign of pregnancy?

Spotting is sometimes considered implantation bleeding, though this is not as common as we would like to believe especially when trying to conceive. It's entirely possible to be pregnant, though it depends on when the spotting occurs. If it's a week or so before your period is due, this COULD be implantation bleeeding (which is a bleeding that happens when the egg implants itself of the uterine wall) although if it comes on the expected day or close to it, this could just be a light period that is scanty. I would suggest taking a home pregnancy test or seeing your doctor as soon as possible, for blood tests will remove all doubts. Good luck.

I were pregnant about 2 weeks and had normal bleeding on the 8 June and are today on the 2nd of October 16 weeks pregnant was it a misscaridge and that I felt pregnant so quickly again?

I don't think that you were pregnant, I think that it's maybe your body just trying to get pregnant. You sound like your cycle is a bit out of wack. OR it could be something called an implantation bleed.

You have irregular periods but 2 days ago you had brown discharge and then pink when you wiped for 2 hours and was cramping like you were ON your period is this ovulation or implantation bleeding?

Based on my experience it is implantation bleeding. I had it a week before my period should arrive. But i knew i was pregnant when i had it. My husband and I are trying to conceive that's why even with a negative result i still believe i am. After 3 days of missed period true enough i was pregnant! I also had lower abdominal cramping and backpains. So goodluck!

I had a Positive pregnancy test last nite but experienced light vaginal bleeding with no clots and mild cramps this morning. The line that makes the test positive is really dark help?

It is more than likely that what you experienced was implantation bleeding. Meaning that you are indeed pregnant. No matter how faint or dark that second line is, it is usually a very good indication that you are pregnant. -Good luck (and congratulations if you were trying to get pregnant <3)

If I'm trying to figure out whether I had implantation bleeding or my period when can I take a pregnancy test?

I would take one now. if you had implantation bleeding the test should come back positive. There might be enough hormone in your system to show a positive. Hope this helps.

You started bleeding around the same time your period was due it is very light and only lasted about 2 days can this be implantation bleeding because you and your boyfriend are trying to conceive?

go to the gyno.

17 weeks pregnant and slight spot bleeding after being at the toilet is it normal?

I am also spotting at 17 weeks pregnant. I started spotting off an on with brownish discharge at 10 weeks, alhtough it is now a pinkish color. You should contact your Dr. My Dr. told me that 30% of women spot during pregnancy. She was not concerned b/c she heard the heart beat. She said that spotting can happen after heavy lifting, exercise, intercourse or constipation. I too and trying not to freak out. Good Luck!