

Turn protection on against syn attacks?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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14y ago

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Open Registry Editor (the easiest way is through run command and type regedit) Find this System key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TcpIp\Parameterand create new DWORD Value (right click with mouse) named SynAttackProtect set the value data to 2

Create few more DWORD Values in the same System key: Value name: TcpMaxPortsExhausted

Value data: 5 Value name: TcpMaxHalfOpen

Value data: 500 Value name: TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried

Value data: 400 Still the same System key and create another DWORD Values: (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TcpIp\Parameter)Value name: TcpMaxConnectResponseRetransmissions

Value data: 2 Value name: TcpMaxDataRetransmissions

Value data: 2 Value name: EnablePMTUDiscovery

Value data: 0 Value name: KeepAliveTime

Value data: 300000 Find this System key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parametersand create new DWORD Value named NoNameReleaseOnDemand set the value data to 1

Set all the values correctly for maximum protection!

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What are fifty examples of synonyms and antonyms?

A synonym is a word that means the same, or something very similar, as another word.An antonym is a word that means the exact opposite of another word.1. war (syn) conflict (ant)peace2. difference (syn) disparity (ant) similarity3. believe (syn) trust (ant)doubt4. slack (syn) loose (ant)tight5. warp (syn) buckle (ant)straighten6. overwrought (syn) agitated (ant) calm7. hare-brained (syn) foolish (ant) sensible8. mucky (syn) dirty (ant)clean9. awesome (syn) magnificent (ant) unimpressive10. zeal (syn) fervour (ant)apathy11. banal (syn) hackneyed (ant) original12. young (syn) juvenile (ant) old13. contemptuous (syn) disdainful (ant) respectful14. waxen (syn) pallid (ant)ruddy15. droll (syn) humorous (ant) serious16. vilify (syn) disparage (ant) praise17. exultant (syn) jubilant (ant) sorrowful18. ugly (syn) unsightly (ant) beautiful19. fat (syn) corpulent (ant)thin20. tacit (syn) implicit (ant) explicit21. gargantuan (syn) enormous (ant) tiny22. sloping (syn) slanted (ant) level23. heterodox (syn) nonconformist (ant) orthodox24. rude (syn) discourteous (ant) polite25. irritate (syn) vex (ant)soothe26. quash (syn) annul (ant)validate27. jagged (syn) spiky (ant)smooth28. prone (syn) vulnerable (ant) resistant29. kaleidoscopic (syn) multicoloured (ant) monochrome30. outlandish (syn) weird (ant) ordinary31. lack (syn) deficiency (ant) abundance32. nasty (syn) unpleasant (ant) nice33. malevolence (syn) hostility (ant) benevolence34. loyalty (syn) allegiance (ant) treachery35. noxious (syn) poisonous (ant) innocuous36. kind (syn) caring (ant)mean37. outward (syn) outer (ant)inward38. just (syn) fair (ant)unfair39. pusillanimous (syn) timid (ant) brave40. include (syn) incorporate (ant) exclude41. questionable (syn) doubtful (ant) indisputable42. hate (syn) loathe (ant)love43. rabble (syn) mob (ant)nobility44. guilty (syn) culpable (ant) innocent45. scintillating (syn) sparkling (ant) dull46. footling (syn) trivial (ant) important47. tousled (syn) untidy (ant) neat48. excellent (syn) superb (ant) inferior49. unforgettable (syn) memorable (ant) unexceptional50. finished (syn) completed (ant) incomplete

When was The Syn created?

The Syn was created in 1965.

What is syn syn ack ack?

Syn Syn Ack Ack means three way handshake in Transmission Control Protocol. It is referred to as Syn Syn Ack Ack because there are three messages transmitted by TCP to negotiate and start a session between two computers.

What is the population of Syn Sophia?

The population of Syn Sophia is 2,004.

What is the syn and ant for deliberate?

syn;intentiall ant;accidental

What is Syn Sophia's population?

Syn Sophia's population is 80.

When was Cardinal Syn created?

Cardinal Syn was created in 1998.

When did Cardinal Syn happen?

Cardinal Syn happened in 1998.