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Q: Twin studies have suggested that there is a genetic component to intelligence. What does the best estimate suggest about how much variation in intelligence can be explained by genetics?
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What does the best estimate suggest about how much variation in intelligence can be explained by genetics?


Why was variation the weakest concept in Darwin's theory?

Variation?!?! That was an obvious observation of naturalists that opposed Darwin's concepts totally. Unless you mean the heritability that leads to variation? Explaining that variation was the problem. Creationists of the time explained this by positing god's whimsy in designing his species, but this was shown to be nonsense as natural processes are at work in variation and this can be shown experimentally. The concept of natural selection explained how that natural variation was selected on beneficial traits. What Darwin did not understand is how that variation was passed on to progeny. His explanation was wrong.

How do you explain the analysis of variance assuming that your audience has not had a statistic class before?

The measurement of any statistical variable will vary from one observation to another. Some of this variation is systematic - due to variations in some other variable that "explains" these variations. There may be several such explanatory variables - acting in isolation or in conjunction with one another. Finally, there will be a residual variation which cannot be explained by any of these "explanatory" variables. The statistical technique called analysis of variance first calculates the total variation in the observations. The next step is to calculate what proportion of that variation can be "explained" by other variables, and finding the residual variation. A comparison of the explained variation with the residual variation is an indicator of whether or not the amount explained is statistically significant. The word "explain" is in quotes because there is not always a causal relationship. The causality may go in the opposite direction. Or the variables may be related to another variable that is not part of the analysis.

What is Two-way ANOVA (surface)?

In a two-way ANOVA on the surface, the relate in an equation the total variation, , where i=1,2,…,a and j=1,2,…,b; the explained variation by the "treatment" or first factor is , the explained variation by the "block" or second factor is and the unexplained variation . SST= SSA+SSB +SSE Degrees of freedom N-1 a-1 b-1 (a-1)(b-1) N=ab

The proportion of the variation in the dependent variable y that is explained by the estimated regression equation is measured by the?

confidence interval estimate

What measures the percentage of total variation in the response variable that is explained by the least squares regression line?

coefficient of determination

What is Two-way ANOVA (in-depth)?

In a two-way ANOVA in depth, the relate in an equation the total variation, , where i=1,2,…,a, j=1,2,…,b and k=1,2,...,n; the explained variation by the "treatment" or first factor is , the explained variation by the "block" or second factor is and the unexplained variation . SST=SSA+SSB+ SS(AB) + SSE Degrees of freedom N-1 a-1 b-1 (a-1)(b-1) N-ab N=nab  

What is the SUMS OF SQUARES One-way ANOVA?

In a one-way ANOVA, the relate in an equation the total variation, , where i=1,2,…,a and j=1,2,…,n_i; the explained variation and the unexplained variation SST=SSA+SSE Degrees of freedom N-1 a-1 N-a

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Unbalanced force of gravity will not have any effect on horizontal component but makes a variation in the vertical component

When will the explained variation be equal to zero?

There are many possible situations. For example, when the data are symmetric about some fixed value of the explanatory variable.

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