

Two guys are friends they both want you?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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That's nice. :D

basically, you need to all go get a cup of tea together, and talk things through, they shuold understand each others Point of view and should let you decide for yourself, and if there are going to be hard feelings then reject them both, friendship meeans more than (L)Love.

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well, you would still just like both of them, but not tell them that you like them. that's what i would do.. but i only like one guy so i don't have that problem. (:

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You shouldn't let your "friends" have so much influence over who you decide to like or dislike. Think about it like this... You're friends don't want to share you and you're awesomeness with anyone. Some friends go to the extreme by threatening their relationship with you if you don't do "x" or if you do "x". Since you're awesome and all and your friends don't want to share your companionship chances are you're not selecting two total losers, you're friends just don't want to share you with anyone. Oh and if you're friends could do away with that close sibling or cousin just to get closer to you, believe me they would. Sorry to sound so cynical, but my personal experiences point to this response.

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Date both secretly! Have sex with the hotter one though! Neither of those answers are smart. If you like the guy that likes you, then you have to see pros and cons of the two guys. If you only like one of the guys, simply tell the other that you just want to be friends for now and go out with the other. If you can't decide, just be friends with both of them for now until you can make a decision.