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You should separate them. Adult hamsters rarely share the same territory peacefully, they are solitary by nature, and will attack other hamsters, even littermates. They will not grow out of it, they will continue until one is dead.

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Q: Two hamsters they are winter white Russian dwarfs and litter mates and male 1 is extremely hyperactive and he gently bites everything he encounters will he grow out of this or do we need to separate?
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Can hamsters get burnt?

Of course! Everything can get burnt.

Do they make purses for hamsters?

Probably in China. They do everything in china! I think they eat hamsters as well

Do fancy Russian dwarf hamsters run fast?

Dwarf hamsters are generally faster than Syrian Hamsters. They aren't too fast, but can get speedy sometimes. Roborovski Hamsters are extremely hyper and fast and Chinese hamsters are pretty fast too.

Can any other animal share a cage with a hamster?

no, hamsters are known to be EXTREMELY territorial. its best to not even put them with other hamsters

What are all the kinds of hamsters?

This link should tell you everything you need to know about hamsters!

What are hamsters bad at?

hamsters are bad at eating clothes if you don't tame them they are also bad at sniffing everything that is around but who doesn't. PHOTOS!

Can a guinea pig get pregnant by a hamster?

No, hamsters and rats are different species so can't reproduce. I would have thought rats and hamsters would probably fight, as Syrian hamsters are extremely territorial and rats are so much larger than hamsters anyway.

Why does every one say that boy hamsters are best?

People tend to find that boy hamsters are more gentle and will let you pet them more. Although it is not a general rule, girl hamsters can also be extremely gentle. Just like boy hamsters have the ability to be mean.

What pets do they have in Armenia?

Everything they have everywhere else; dogs, cats, hamsters, etc.

How are you supposed to handle the newborn hamsters?

You shouldn't handle the newborn hamsters, or pinkies. The mother knows everything she needs to do to take care of them herself. Just make sure the mother has plenty of food and water, and everything should be fine.

Are hamsters easy to look after?

They are, but you need to be able to look after them properly and make sure you have everything it needs.