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DNA polymerase.

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Q: Two new strands of DNA molecules grow as bases are added by the enzyme?
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What enzyme breaks the bonds between the complementary parent strands?

Hydrolysis(break) of a phosphodiester bond, separates two strands of DNA Strand breakage by the DNA untwisting enzyme results in covalent attachment of the enzyme to DNA

Copy and complete the events chain concept map of DNA synthesis?

step1: enzyme separates DNA sides. step2: new bases pair with bases on original DNA. step3: two new identical DNA molecules are produced.

Why are enzymes called makers and breakers?

In genetics, an enzyme known as DNA polymerase effects the copying of DNA there for it helps in replication, as in MAKING, another enzyme known as DNA helicase is used to break the bonds on the nitrogen bases so the strands can separate, BREAKING bonds.

How are copies of DNA made?

DNA is copied by breaking the hydrogen bonds keeping it together, separating itself into two complimentary strands. Lone base pairs in the nucleus attach to the now single stranded DNA, creating two identical strands of DNA.nnnlknlk A DNA molecule is copied in a process called DNA replication. During DNA replication, the enzyme helicase separates the two strands of DNA nucleotides. The nitrogen bases of the two strands of DNA nucleotides are exposed, and the enzyme DNA polymerase causes new DNA nucleotides to pair with the original, exposed nucleotides according to the base-pairing rule. The result is two identical DNA molecules, each having a new strand of DNA nucleotides, and an original strand of DNA nucleotides. This kind of replication is called semi-conservative replication.

What does helicase do in replication?

(Apex) It breaks apart the bases.

Related questions

In order to replicate where do DNA molecules separate?

DNA molecules separate or unwind at specific sites known as replication origins. These regions serve as starting points for the enzyme complex that unwinds the DNA strands, creating a replication fork. DNA replication occurs bidirectionally from each origin, with the two strands being replicated simultaneously.

What enzyme builds mRNA molecules bases on the code in DNA?

The enzyme is RNA polymerase.

What occures when 2 strands unzip and the nitrogen bases pair with different nitrogen bases?

This is the process of DNA replication. A DNA strand in the nucleus of a cell, starts off by being "unzipped" by helicase (an enzyme). Then another enzyme, DNA polymerase matches the nitrogen bases (which are freely floating in the nucleus), of each half with their matches, this forms two identical strands, of DNA.

When DNA is about to be copied where does it split?

It splits down the middle due to the action of the enzyme helicase. This exposes the nitrogen bases on both strands of the DNA.

What enzyme breaks the bonds between the complementary parent strands?

Hydrolysis(break) of a phosphodiester bond, separates two strands of DNA Strand breakage by the DNA untwisting enzyme results in covalent attachment of the enzyme to DNA

The two strands of DNA molecules are held together by?

hydrogen bonds between complementary nitrogenous bases.

The enzyme that is responsible for replicating molecules of DNA by attaching complementary bases in the correct sequence is?

DNA polymerase

What chemicals connect to what in a dna strand?

The backbone of the DNA molecule is composed of alternating deoxyribose sugars and phosphate groups. The nitrogen bases are bonded to the sugar molecules. The two strands of DNA are held together by hydrogen bonds between the nitrogen bases of both strands.

How do you describe the basic structure of the DNA molecules?

DNA is composed of two strands of DNA nucleotides, arranged into a double helix, often referred to as a twisted ladder. The sides of the ladder are composed of alternating deoxyribose sugar molecules and phosphate molecules, and the rungs of the ladder are the pairs of nitrogen bases. The two strands of DNA nucleotides are held together by hydrogen bonds which form between the paired nitrogen bases.

Copy and complete the events chain concept map of DNA synthesis?

step1: enzyme separates DNA sides. step2: new bases pair with bases on original DNA. step3: two new identical DNA molecules are produced.

What factor maintains the same distance between strands in DNA molecules?

Depending on what "Strands" are it could be either Hydrogen bonding between complementary base pairs or Phosphate bonds between interlinking deoxyribose sugars

Why are enzymes called makers and breakers?

In genetics, an enzyme known as DNA polymerase effects the copying of DNA there for it helps in replication, as in MAKING, another enzyme known as DNA helicase is used to break the bonds on the nitrogen bases so the strands can separate, BREAKING bonds.