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Q: Two ways in which cooperation within the families helps to maintain culture tradition?
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Tradition culture and religion are frequently passed down though the family?

Yes, tradition, culture, and religion are often inherited from generation to generation within families through practices, beliefs, and rituals. This passing down helps to preserve and maintain cultural identity, values, and customs.

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The role that the totem poles play is that they summon the spirits of your totem and then your totems will always be with you and they will help you.

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Some examples of science culture: Competition Skeptical Cooperation

Do the Aztecs still maintain there culture today?

yes, they still maintain the culture

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Say your religion and tradition. You should say this because aa culture is a kind of special tradition and kind.

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it culture is roman cathlic and iberian culture

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There is no tradition of Hebrew theatre in Hebrew Culture. Jews of Europe had a tradition of Yiddish theatre, but Yiddish is completely unrelated to Hebrew.There is no tradition of Hebrew theatre in Hebrew Culture. Jews of Europe had a tradition of Yiddish theatre, but Yiddish is completely unrelated to Hebrew.

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To maintain their ancient culture in modern times, the Australian Aborigines have celebrations using the old ways, including dances and body paintings. They also tell and retell the Dreamtime stories of how their people came to be and they continue to use dot painting in many areas to maintain tradition.