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Q: Under an accident and health policy a claim must be reported in how many days?
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Can health insurance cover the balance of the claim of the car accident?

Yes, your Health insurance can provide coverage for injuries received in an auto accident beyond what may have already been covered through an automobile insurance policy. Your health insurance however is specific to you and the covered persons under your policy. It will not pay for property damage or liabilities for injuries to others.

Are drunk drivers covered under their auto insurance policy in an accident?


You are insured as a second driver if you have an accident will you be covered?

As long as you are listed as a driver on the policy and an accident occurs in a covered vehicle, then yes you will be covered under the terms and conditions of the policy just as any other driver on the policy.

Can you be held responsible for a car accident involving a car under your policy that someone else owns?

You may be legally responsible but since the car is on your policy it is your rates that might suffer if the accident was the fault of the driver of that car.

If a car is titled to an 18- year old but she is under her parents insurance policy whose responsible if she gets in an accident?

She is.

How many physical therapy visits are covered under AFLAC accident policy?

You need to contact your insurance company.

What is the difference between health insurance policy and Critical illness policy?

A Health Insurance policy is a reimbursement of the medical expenses. Well Critical illness insurance is a benefit policy. Under a benefit policy upon the occurrence of an event, the insurance company pays the policyholder a lump sum amount. Under a Critical Illness policy, if the insured is diagnosed with any critical illness as specified in the policy.

What does not applicable mean in health insurance?

'Not applicable' in Health Insurance policy menas the terms that dod not come under the purview of the health insurance policy and should be ignored. It has to be ascertained carefully whether the 'not applicable' conditions affects the insurable interest of the policy holder.

If i am a passenger in a car that is not insured and I suffered an accident in that car can i claim uninsured motorist benefits under my parent's policy?

I think. if ur under 18.

You and your mother are under the same insurance policy. however your mother hits your car by accident. would reporting the accident increase your mothers insurance would you be covered?

Yes, Your joint policy will cover the accident. You should contact your agent to determine if any points or rate increase would apply.

If an insured driver under the age of 18 is involved in an accident can they claim insurance?

Of course, age doesn't matter. If you have a valid license and have a current insurance policy you can claim the accident.

Legislation that requires that when health insurance is replaced ongoing claims under the former policy must continue to be paid under the new policy is known as?

no loss-no gain legislation