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A conditioned response may become extinct is the reinforcer is not provided for some time. Consistent reinforcement is necessary to prolong a response.

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Q: Under what conditions might a conditioned response become extinct?
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How can the conditioned response become extinct?

A conditioned response can become extinct by reverse conditioning. That is, if a dog has been conditioned to drool when he hears a bell, he can be conditioned not to drool when he hears the bell.The conditioned response in psychology may become extinct when the withdrawl of reinforcement happens.

What is the difference between a unconditioned response and a conditioned response?

Unconditioned response is unlearned and conditioned is learned. When you smell your favorite food (unconditioned stimulus) you become hungrey(unconidtioned response)

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There is no "fear conditioning"; rather, fear can become a conditioned response via Classical conditioning (Pavlov) or Operant Conditioning (B.F. Skinner).

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When paired with an unconditional stimulus, a neutral stimulus can become a conditioned stimulus and produce the same response as the unconditioned stimulus.

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they can adapt to changing conditions better...adapt or become extinct!

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How does a neutral stimulus become a conditioned stimulus?

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Most become extinct because they can not adapt to changes in their environments. Those that can don't become extinct.