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the indians were forced by Andrew Jackson to go on the trail of tears.

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Q: Under what conditions were the Cherokee forced to leave their homes?
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Related questions

What happened to the Cherokee tribes?

They had got forced a way from their homes.

Why was the forced march called the 'Trail of Tears?

because the Cherokee were forced to leave their homes, and about 4000 died on the march.

Why does The Trail of Tears refers to the Cherokee tribe?

The cherokees were forced to go on it.

How did the Cherokee tribes react with the colonists of colonial Georgia?

Well, they didn't particularly enjoy being murdered and forced out of their homes.

Why are forced out of there homes?

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What was the name of the journey and which Cherokee Indians were forced from their homes in Georgia to lands in the west in 1873?

Trail of Tears

Who constructed the Cherokee homes?

the that were build by the Cherokee were build by Cherokee is the stine and the RL Stine

Why did Cherokee feel betrayed by Andrew Jackson?

The Cherokee felt betrayed by Andrew Jackson because he had previously promised to protect their rights and land. However, Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act, which led to the forced removal of the Cherokee from their ancestral lands in the Southeast to the West. This resulted in the Trail of Tears, a devastating journey where thousands of Cherokee died.

Did Cherokee have permanent homes?

yes they did live in pimanent homes

Is there Cherokee summer homes and winter homes?

Yes. In the winter the Cherokee llived in small dome shaped homes called an asi. In the summer the Cherokee live in a big square/rectanglish home from my research is called a wickeup.

Why were the Cherokee forced to move in spite of the supreme court's ruling in worcester Georgia?

They were forced to move because Andrew Jackson ignored the Court and forced them to move to new lands West of the Mississippi River. They had to walk all the way to their new homes, which is known as the Trail of Tears.

Were the Cherokee tribe homes big?

That is a matter of interpretation. Cherokee homes were on average, both then and now, the same size of the homes used by Europeans; in olden times homes were much smaller as a general rule.