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He bought poison to take with him to the Capulet's tomb to die with Juliet. He says look what has become of your hate, heaven had to kill your "joys" or kids through love to stop your hate, he then said that they are all punished for this.

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1mo ago

In Act 5 of "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo learns of Juliet's supposed death from Friar Laurence and rushes back to Verona. He finds Juliet in the Capulet family tomb, believes she is dead, and dies by her side. Juliet wakes to find Romeo dead, and she kills herself with his dagger. The tragic ending leads to the reconciliation of the Montagues and Capulets.

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14y ago

If you're having trouble understanding Shakespeare go on Google and type in "sparks notes nfs" (it is the first one you click on) it's all of Shakespeare's plays plus a modern day translation. I really helps. trust me.

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13y ago

Read the book or watch the play to find out. It's a nice one, and you'll learn a lot of things!

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in the final scene, both romeo and Juliet die.

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It is about romeo and Juliet meeting at the Capulet party and falling in love.

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Juliet dies in Act 5 of William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet."

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Romeo and Juliet are just characters in a play and did not exist in our world. In the play they die in Act 5.

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No records exist of contemporary performances of Romeo and Juliet.

How does the nurse seem to feel about the marriage in Romeo and Juliet act 2 scene 5?

The nurse seems to be supportive and excited about the marriage in Romeo and Juliet Act 2, Scene 5. She is happy to be helping Juliet and Romeo arrange their secret marriage and wishes them well.

Who all dies in act 5 Romeo and Juliet?

In Act 5 of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo, Juliet, Paris, and Mercutio all die. Romeo dies by drinking poison, Juliet dies by stabbing herself, Paris dies in a duel with Romeo, and Mercutio dies during a street fight with Tybalt.

Where does act 2 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet take place?

Capulet's Orchard? No that is Act 2 Scene 2. Act 2 Scene 5 is Romeo and Juliet's wedding and takes place at Friar Lawrence's place.