

Upside down exclamation mark

Updated: 11/6/2022
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12y ago

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It's used in different languages like Spanish. In English we only add them to the end but Spanish doesn't... Example: English - this is so cool!... Spanish - ¡This is so cool!

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How do you do a upside down i?

To do an upsidedown 'i', just do an exclamation mark. '!'.

How do you insert an upside down exclamation mark in a Microsoft word document?

An upside down exclamation mark could be written as an "i". EX: (exclamation mark)=! (upside down exclamation mark)=i The "upside down exclamation mark" is really the letter "I" but lower case.

What is the upside down exclamation mark used for?

You might be talking about that funny punctuation mark in Spanish. If a sentence ended with an exclamation mark in English and you wanted to translate that in Spanish, you would always have to put the upside down exclamation mark first before you put down a capital letter.

What does and upside down question mark mean?

An upside down question mark (¿) is used at the beginning of a question in Spanish to denote that a question is being asked. In general, it serves the same purpose as a regular question mark but is specific to the Spanish language.

What does an upside down exclamation mark mean?

It is sapnish. when you write an exclamation u do this: I'm hungry! goes to ¡ten go hambres!

How do you do an upside down exclamation mark?

The inverted exclamation point can be entered by holding down the Alt key and pressing 0161, 173 or 8877 on the number pad. In Microsoft Word, the inverted question and exclamation marks can be typed by holding down the Ctrl, Alt, and shift keys while typing a normal question or exclamation mark, or by typing either mark at the start of the sentence whilst in the Spanish language mode.

How can you tell cats gender?

if you have a kitten then its almost impossible to tell before about 2/3 weeks. but if your kitten is older or a fully grown cat then its easier. when you lift up the tail a female will have kind of an upside down exclamation mark (!), the dot being her bumhole. a male will have the upside down exclamation mark but in between there will be a colon (:) which are the testicles and appear to be lumps.

What punctuation mark is used twice in a Spanish sentence?

In Spanish, the question mark (¿) is used at the beginning of a question and the exclamation mark (¡) is used at the beginning of an exclamation.

Which button on the keyboard is the exclamation mark?

Hold down Shift and press 1 on the number row.

When letter you is rotated to 180 degree how it will appear?

u rotated 180 degrees will be upside down and will look like an n. Sometimes answers changes when you say I in a question to be a u. If you are talking about capital I, it will look the same rotated 180 degrees. i will look like an exclamation mark upside down

What does the upside down questing mark mean?

The upside down question mark is not a punctuation mark used in the English language. Rather, it is used in Spanish in front of a question, with a regular question mark placed at the end.

What is the name of the upside-down question mark?

that's a Spanish question mark