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His speech was so stirring he was able to galvanize the workers into action.

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Q: Use the word galvanize in a senence?
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How do you use expression in a senence?

Her expression was that of both horror and relief.

What is a sentence for the word galvanize?

The student body president led a convocation to galvanize the students to meet the expectations of the school. To galvanize support, the politician went to many different towns and gave a speech.

How do you use galvanize in a sentence?

"Manufacturers galvanize steel fencing and nails with zinc to make it rust resistant." "The latest disclosure served to galvanize public opinion against the mayor's plan."

Can you make a senence using the word fertile?

yes and the correct way to spell sentence is "sentence"

Where did the word 'galvanize' originate?

It was named after Luigi Galvani, the Italian scientist.

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What is the definition of the word galvanize?

To galvanize means that one is applying a protective layer of zinc on top of a product made of steel or iron. This prevents the steel or iron from rusting.

How is zink used?

zink is a d block element. we use it for galvanize iron.

How do you use the word Hideous in a senence?

eg: You cant wear that top, it is hideous! Look at his shoes, how hideous!

What is a imperative senence?

An imperative sentence is a type of sentence that gives a command, makes a request, or offers advice. It often begins with a verb and does not typically include a subject since the subject is usually the person being addressed. Examples include "Close the door," "Please pass the salt," and "Don't forget to study."

How do you use declaration in a senence?

Declaration is the act of declaring. The Kitten made his declaration that all cats must loved!!! Cats Rule!!!

How would you put rechargeable in a sentence?

If I had to write a senence with rechargeable in it, I would probably use this: My phone just died, but it is rechargeable. Hope this helps!