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Q: Used in poisons to kill rats and insects?
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How should rat and insect poison be used?

On rats and insects On rats and insects On rats and insects

Can rat poison kill a pigeon?

Yes, the commonly used poisons for rats and mice will kill raccoons. Raccoons can also die from eating a dead rat or mouse that was killed with poisons.

Chemicals used to kill rats and mice?

They are completely different. For rat poisons they are anticagulants like diphacinone, bromadiolone, etc. etc. , for insects multi different that kill in just as many different ways.

How long dies it take decon to kill rats?

Unscientifically it poisons them and slows their central nervous system activity and stops internal organ functioning.

Does music kill rats?

No, why would music kill rats?

Get rid of rats in crawl space under house?

You can use poisons or traps.

Can cats kill rats?

Yes, cats can kill rats. Cats don't just kill only rats but they can also kill Mice.

Does a periwinkle plant kill rats?

i wanna kill rats through periwinkle plant....? i wanna kill rats through periwinkle plant....?

Humans use fungi for?

blue cheese (the blue stuff is a type of mildew)medicine (penicillin is a special type of mold)for food (mushrooms)poisons (to kill rats and stuff, using poisonous mushrooms)

What insects are good for rats?

Most love mealworms

What poisons are used to kill rats and insects?

evil!! don't kill the rats! and if you do you`ll just find dead rats everywhere and will have too pick them up. you can buy these sonic rat repeelnts which keeps them away. and the killer spray can also be very harmful to your health and very harmful to your pets

Do rats eat worms?

Rats have been known to eat worms. They will also eat pretty much anything else they can find including plants, flowers, and insects.