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Understanding the Underlying Religious Perspective

In Christianity, the pious are supposed to see meaning in the very way that the world is structured to justify how societies should be run. This makes logical sense if you assume the faith positions of Christianity, namely that: God created the Earth, everything happens according to His will, and man is supposed to emulate God's will. As a result, they have an idea of an equivalence between the situation that is and what should be striven for. The only deviation between this equivalence is where God in The Bible makes clear what should occur in the perfect city. Since Atheists do not have a god who does this, Christians assume this equivalence is the natural belief pattern of an Atheist. Therefore, Social Darwinism, which is the application of Evolutionary Principles of Natural Selection to the human experience would appear to be something that Atheists would naturally advocate.

The Atheist Explanation

According to the Christian, if "X" is a natural condition and Atheists only accept naturalism as an explanation for what is true, then by this virtue, Atheist ethics should match the natural condition. The equivalence is false. Of course, what this position fails to notice is that Atheists do not believe that moral or ethical concerns are derived from the natural conditions since one is a question of optimal societal values and another is a question of how the world works. Atheists can make moral and societal claims based on maximizing a different set of factors in a society than the methods nature employs to organize itself. For example, Atheists can base morality on minimizing pain and maximizing pleasure or increasing fairness and decreasing inequalities. Compassion is something that Atheists have just like everyone else.

It should also be noted that Social Darwinism is also clearly not related to Evolution by Natural Selection if we examine the two concepts. Social Darwinism asserts dominance within a species based on arbitrary tribal units (countries) as opposed to individual characteristics. Genetics are not being selected for or against. The competition between the races is artificially rigged against the less technologically advanced than based on environmental factors. The fight is over societal domination as opposed to adaptations to match the environment. Culture and religion are personal choices, not contingent on genetics or instincts. However, Social Darwinism came into existence in the late-1800s age of pseudo-science which sought to justify European right to conquer the world. If such conquest were seen to be as natural as evolution by natural selection, then there should be no reason to oppose it.

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Q: Using what argument can Atheists oppose Social Darwinism while accepting the Theory of Evolution?
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