


Updated: 8/21/2019
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What kind of ground do snails need to live in to live in an aquarium?

They can just live in an aquarium with the normal pebbles on the bottom that all fish live in.

Do you need to control the hardness and softness in the aquarium that tropical fish live in?


Do Aquarium fish drink water?

Since fish live in water they do not need to drink it as such they simply absorb what is needed.

Does aquarium need to be heated?

most of the time but with betta fish no they can live at room tepature

How do you protect aquarium fish?

you need an aquarium with the thing that recycles the water so the fish can live try also putting rocks and seaweed and things like that to decorate and make the fish more comfortable

Can tiger barbs live in aquarium salt?

No fish I know of can live in Aquarium salt. All fish need water to live in. If you are asking if a tiger barb (Barbus tetrazona) can live if it was placed in a marine (salt water) situation, then the answer is "No. Not for more than the few minutes it would take for it to die.

Can I keep a shark if I have commercial aquarium supplies?

No you cannot. Sharks are different from commercial aquarium fish. First they live in salt water, so you need to customize your water. Second they do not eat fish food, so you need another source of food.

What fish are easy to keep?

Defiantly not goldfish. They produce a ton of waste and need a massive aquarium to live a long and happy life . Maybe try a betta because they do not need a big aquarium . REMEMBER all fish need a home that is clean and is maintained properly . RESEARCH FIRST !! And enjoy your new fish . X

Can guppies live in the same aquarium as a goldfish?

No. Guppies need a heater, whereas gold fish will overheat. Also, they will eat the guppies.

Where do commas need to be in this sentence In the aquarium were water weed sunfish snails and a neon fish.?

In the aquarium were water, weed, sunfish, snails, and a neon fish.

Do fish need to be fed or do they hunt for food?

Fish live in the water, so generally they only need food. But they get their oxygen from the water through their gills, so they will need the water to have dissolved oxygen at a proper level.

What is the smallest saltwater puffer fish for an aquarium?

Most people consider a puffer to only be one of the Arothrons, or a porcupine puffer which all get big and need at least a 125g aquarium, however Most Toby puffers can live comfortably in a 50g aquarium.