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They can just live in an aquarium with the normal pebbles on the bottom that all fish live in.

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Q: What kind of ground do snails need to live in to live in an aquarium?
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How long can snails live in an aquarium with goldfish?

they can't

Can freshwater snails live in a salt water aquarium?

No. when you drop salt on the ground and slugs or snails somehow pass over it, it kills them by churning up their insides!

Can any snail live in fish tank?

No. Only aquatic snails can live in water. It is not adviseable to add any snails to an aquarium IMO anyway.

What kind of orginisims live in an terrarium and an aquarium?

Terrarium:Has bugs, or insects , such as rolly-polleys, crickets worms, and more....Aquarium:Has fish, and snails, or many more fishes.....

Can you put garden snails in your fish tank?

Yes snails can live in a fish tank, and they can breed.

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How long can a fish live in a non-oxygen aquarium?

It depends on what kind of fish, and the size of the aquarium.

What kind of places to snails live in?

they like to live in gardens, ponds,and oceans. and moist places

Can you put aquarium water with snails in your potted plants When you change the water can the snails continue to live if the water is given to potted plants for nutritional purposes?

Yes it is possible because I have seen a number of snails licking the water from the leaves of my potted plants a number of times.

Do sharks live in Calgary?

Not the kind that breathe through gills, unless they are in an aquarium.

Where are snails known to live?

Snails are found in the sea near sandy beaches , on land , where they live in the soil, on the ground , trees and plants and they also live in lakes and ponds , where they feed of algae and other plants under water.

What is a fowler fish aquarium?

FOLWER or FOWLR is a kind of saltwater aquarium setup that doesn't have corals.It stands for Fish Only With Live Rock.