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What happens to a metal when exposed to an acid after three days?

The answer depends on what the metal is. Some metals react readily with acid, and some do not.

What happens when limestone is exposed to air for two days?

it dies

What happens when you put a chicken in vinegar after 3 days?

it puts it off.

What will happens when you soak a nail in a vinegar for 3 days?

the acetic acid in the vinegar would slowly dissolve the iron and produce hydrogen gas

What will happen in the iron nail after 3 days if its exposed to vinegar?

If it is a new nail it will probably just turn dark. If it's a rusty nail it will become rust free.

What happens when humans are exposed to nuclear?

Exposure to very large doses of radiation may cause death within a few days or months.

What happens if you put a gummy bear in vinegar?

if you leave the gummy bears vinegar for 1 day the color get mixed up togeter and the gummy bear dissolve. if you put gummy bear in vinegar for two to three days the gummy bear dissapear

Will a vinegar soaked turkey bone became hard if left out for a few days?

yes it will because of the acids in the vinegar

How long does it take for vinegar to dissolve bone in vinegar?

it takes up to 5 to 7 days to turn rubbery.

How do you make eggs bounce?

You soak an egg in vinegar for 2 days. When you take it out after two days it should bounce. If it dosen't put it back in the vinegar for 1 more day.

What happens to an egg when you put it in vinegar and why?

What?After two days the egg shell will start to disintegrate (dissolve) and after a week the translucent membrane and the actual egg itself will be the only thing left. It will be rubbery and wrinkled.Why?The acidic content of the vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate in the egg shell, and dissolves it. Because vinegar is only a weak acid the process takes some time.

Why is the chicken bone hard before it is placed in the vinegar?

because it has calcium in it and if u put it in vinegar it will become bendable after a few days