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it puts it off.

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Q: What happens when you put a chicken in vinegar after 3 days?
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Why is the chicken bone hard before it is placed in the vinegar?

because it has calcium in it and if u put it in vinegar it will become bendable after a few days

What happens when you put a chicken bone in Vinegar and a chicken bone in boiled water?

when a chicken bone is put into water it becomes a red pinkish colour p.s why not just look in the brain that is protected by your skull answer dummy and yes i am meaning u

What happens when you put vinegar on talc?

poops the vinegar

Why does a chicken bone gets flexible if you put it in vinegar?

The acid in the vinegar dissolves out the calcium in the chicken bone. (Calcium is most of the reason that bones are hard.)

What happens to pearls if you put them in vinegar?

It melts

Is it to boil chicken to get boneless chicken?

no you have to fry then boil and then put in salt and vinegar for 5 minutes and its done.

What happens if you put a granite rock in a cup of vinegar?

nothing happens

What happens when you put jade stone with vinegar and acid pill?

Jade is not soluble in vinegar.

What happens if you put celery in vinegar?

the celery will die

What happens when you put calcium compounds in vinegar?

I would imagine that it often neutralises the pH of the vinegar

What happens if you put a naked egg in vinegar?

When you put vinegar in a naked egg the shell will decrease its shell then turning into a smelly egg

What happens when you put a rock inside white vinegar?

It esplodes