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Q: WHAT IS THE digestion that occurs in the large intestine is caused by?
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Much of the digestion that occurs in the large intestine is caused by?

No digestion occurs in the large intestine; digestion is finished in the small intestine. In the large intestine absorption takes place, then the waste materials are egested.

Why Digestion does not occur in large intestine?

Minor fiber digestion by bacteria goes on in the large intestine, and water is absorbed, but no major lipid/protein/carbohydrate digestion occurs. All of that goes on higher up in the system.

Once you drink water how is it digested and where does it go?

It is passed from the stomach into the large intestine where further digestion occurs. From there it is passed to the small intestines where final digestion occurs. From there, to the colon.

Where does the most of the digestion occur?

Chemical digestion occurs int he stomach where acids break down the food turning it into chyme, and also happens in the mouth where saliva mixed with enzymes break food into bolus. It also occurs in the liver, when it produces bile to break down fat, and the liver also breaks down medicine, and small intestine, the small intestine is where the main chemical digestion occurs, the small intestine absorbs all the nutrients into the blood streams.

Where does most digestion occur and how?

most digestion occurs in the small intestine where all the nutrients and minerals are extracted and put ino the bloodstream. the stomach just breaks the food down so it can get into the intestine

Is the large Intestine a mechanical or a chemical digestion?

As far as I know there is no digestion at all in the large intestine, only absorption.

How does the large intestine contribute to digestion?

The large intestines main jobs are to absorb excess water and and particular vitamins back into the body, process undigested matter such as fiber and store waste before it is eliminated...

Is the large intestine mechanical digestion or chemical?

The large intestine is mechanical digestion; it absorbs water and is involved in peristalsis. It has nothing to do with enzymes, which is chemical digestion.

The intestines are responsible for digestion but little absorption occurs there?

The small intestine is responsible for digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It also absorbs most nutrients. However, the large intestine is less active in it's processes. The large intestine only digests fiber and only absorbs water.

Is a large intestine a mechanical digestion?

Chewing is mechanical digestion.

Where are digested foods absorbed?

The digestion first starts in the mouth and the food is absorbed in the small intestine, and the water and minerals go to your large intestine:)learned this in biology, last week =)

Most intestinal absorption occurs in the?

small intestine, and water absorption occurs in the colon/large intestine