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Nobody really knows why they have tiny tails. I know that they are born with tiny tails, because my bulldog had puppies.

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15y ago

they were bred like that

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Q: WHY do bulldog have a tiny tail?
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Does an English bulldog tail need snipping?

Medically, no, it is not necessary to dock (snip or shorten) a bulldog's tail. However, breed standards in the US and possibly other countries require a bulldog's tail to be docked for show purposes, and most people who own a bulldog will have the tail docked. No. According to the AKC breed standards, a purebred English Bulldog's tail isn't docked, it's naturally short.

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An American Bulldog's tail (and ears) should be left natural.

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A French Bulldog is born with a naturally short tail. Most are one inch or shorter.

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Do nkc registered English bulldogs have tails?

NO Bulldog should have a tail ther then the starndard short, crank, or cork screw. tails are never docked in a full blooded Bulldog, no matter what club they are a member of.

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What will an American bulldog cross chow look like?

They are beautifull I have a pure breed bulldog and chow chow they have had to liter and they are georgous I can show you pictures on my facebook they look like a lab with curly tail my dog is pure charole color

Are dogs bred with tiny tails?

Yes. A tiny tail means they cannot be caught from behind. Usually used in fighting or racing dogs.

What was huge on a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Its head, teeth, body, legs and tail. Its arms were tiny