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Q: WHY is the wine and bread so important in mass?
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What does bread have to do with Easter?

Jesus said bread was his body and wine was his blood so there you go.

What rituals are important to the Christian faith?

Jesus left only two things for His disciples to do: baptise believers take bread and wine to remember Him. So these are the rituals that are important to Christians.

Why are bread and wine important in Christian worship?

The bread and wine are a physical reminder to the Christian of the actual body and blood of Jesus which was both broken (the body) and shed (the blood) for them. Since the reminder relates to the savior, who is precious to all Christians, this meal has great value. It is usually a solemn remembrance since it was begun by Jesus 'on the night He was betrayed.' This brings time for thought on why He had to die as well as thankfulness that He went through such terrible agony on our behalf.

Why is wine so important?

To get you DRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!

Explain the symbolism of the bread and wine used during the Eucharist service?

The Bread represents the body and The Spirit of Christ. The Wine represents the blood of Christ. the representation came from the last supper when Jesus said to his disphiles "Take this all of you and eat it. it is the bread of my body." He picked up the bottle of wine. " Take this all of you and drink it. it is my blood. drink it so you shall be with me forever and ever." So Christians take the bread and the wine to bring them closer to Jesus, gods only son.

Why was wine so important to the gods?

it is so important to the gods because the wine tastes like semen. and gods love to drink semen.

What is the Eucharisting Parayer?

The Eucharist prayer normally refers to the Canon of the Mass. This is the prayer said by the priest at the altar in which he adores God, implores his help for all of humanity, asks the saints for their intercession, invokes the Holy Spirit, and consecrates - changes - the bread and wine into the Body and Blood or Our Blessed Lord. After the consecration, the "accidents" remain - i.e. the appearance of bread and wine; but the "substance" has changed so that where before there was bread and wine, now all that remains is the Body and Blood of Our Blessed Lord.

What are the things use by a priest in a Holy Eucharist?

Unleavened bread (Bread without yeast) and wine are the essentials in Holy Communion. You must have quite a good memory to remember the important words alone so a book or prayer sheet with the rites would be handy as well.

Is bread and wine a symbol?

In Christianity, bread and wine are used in the sacrament of Holy Communion to symbolize the body and blood of Jesus Christ. This ritual is known as the Eucharist, where believers partake in remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Through the transubstantiation doctrine, some Christian denominations believe that the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Christ.

Is the eucharist only a symbol?

Not for Catholics.The Eucharist comes from the last supper. Because jesus said "...this is my body.." then "...this is my blood..." means that it is his body and blood. He did not say "..this is a symbol of me" he said quite literally this is me that I have left for you as a sign of my love..Catholic AnswerNo, as mentioned above, it is not a symbol. The Eucharist is the re-presentation of the actual Sacrifice of Our Blessed Lord of Himself on the Cross made present in the here and now. When you are at Mass you are not seeing a symbol and you are not witnessing something "done again" - you are witnessing the actual sacrifice on Calvary two thousand years ago presented in an unbloody manner under the forms of Bread and Wine. Remember that with God there is no time, no before or after, so at Mass you are seeing Our Blessed Lord's sacrifice from God's point of view, not ours. The first time this was done was before the actual event, at the Last Supper.

Is bread halal which is treted with ethanol?

Depends. What do you mean with "treated with ethanol"? In bread making, ethanol (or ethyl alcohol) are produced without the intention of making wine. so it's halal.

Why do they use wheat as a symbol for Eucharist?

the use of the bread and wine as the Eucharist is because when Jesus instituted the sacrament at the Last Supper, He used the bread and wine as it was a Passover meal or Seder that Christ and his disciples celebrated. Jesus also referred Himself as the Bread of life in the sixth chapter in the Gospel of John. both unleavened bread and wine are common elements of the Passover Seder. whenever bread and wine are shown together in Christian art, it is the portrayal of the Eucharist. Also from the Catholic point of view, the Eucharist is not symbolic, at all. the Eucharist is the truly actual Body and Blood of Christ; it does not symbolize Him or represent Him; the Eucharist is Him.