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Q: Was Alabama was the first state to force Native American nations to give up their lands?
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Related questions

Who the first known to inhabitants Alabama?

The first recorded inhabitants of Alabama were the Native American tribe, the Albaamaha. The first European to visit the area that is now Alabama was Hernando de Soto.

Who was the first native American to vote in Alabama?

my grate grate grand ma was jeane kisinbuger

Was the first state to force Native American nations to give up their lands.?


Is the Sioux tribe Asian?

No.The Sioux are a Native American and First Nations people

Can you put Sioux in a sentence?

The Sioux are Native American and First Nations people in North America.

What happened on Leif Erickson's journey?

Experienced crew, food, water, some relatives.

When did people first come to Alabama?

Native Americans were the first to live in present day Alabama followed by the French in 1702.

Who was the first First Native to play in the NHL?

Fred Sasakamoose was the first First Nations (Canadian equivalent to "Native American") NHL player. He played 11 games for the Chicago Black Hawks in 1953-54. He is now an elder of the Ahtahkapoop Cree Nation and a senator of the First Nations Government.

What was the first tribe in New Mexico?

The major Native American nations in New Mexico are Navajo, Pueblo, and Apache peoples.

Where did first nations people come from?

I hope you mean "Where did First Nations People come from?" or something similar? The First Nations people are referred by that name in Canada. In the U.S. they are called "American Indians", or "Native Americans". In Alaska they are called Native Alaskans as opposed to non-Native Americans who are just Alaskan natives.

How were the first nations peoples involved in the struggle between the british and the Americans?

Native Americans fought for both sides, turning the tide in many of the battles. Eventually, their guerrilla warfare techniques would be the clincher for the colonists in the American Revolution.

Where does the name Alabama come from?

The Alabama people were an indigenous people who inhabited the region when Europeans first settled it. The word 'Alabama' means 'human being' in their language, which is of the Muskogean language group.