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Q: Was American isolation caused by World War 1?
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What was the American isolation during World War II?

your mom that is true kids be-leave it

What is the connection between Lustania and World War 1?

The USA tried to stay out of the war and maintain the policy of "isolation". However German U-boat sunk the American ship Lusatania. That caused an uproar within the US and they entered the war in 1917. Custermen

What prevented earlier US participation in World War ll?

The American public did not approve of US participation in the war because of the country's isolationist history.

Why did the us didn't want to stop World War 2?

The American people did not want to get involved in a European War. The USA wanted to practice isolation.

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It lost its New World Empire.

What caused the world war to happen?

World War 1 was caused by two terrorists. World War 2 was caused by some Fanatics.

One of the primary causes for US entry into world war 1 was the use of?

do you mean what caused us entry into world war one? if so then the sinking of the USS Lusitania by German u-boats was what caused American entry into the war

How has American foreign policy changed due to the US's entry into World War 1?

the American policy changed and adopted the policy of isolation because of many causes but the main cause was recognition and acceptance it a problem of only Europe not of the world so this sense of alienation from the very order of Europe dragged her tofollow the policy of isolation

What was US Foreign Policy world war 1?

The u.s policy during the first world war was policy of isolation

What caused the American war on terrorism?

The American "War on Terror" was a direct result of the SEPTEMBER 11TH ATTACKS on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, which was committed by al-Qaeda Terrorists.

Why were American people against entering into World War 2?

Because they had just recenly got out of war. (WW1) which caused the great depression.

How did America's Involvement in World War I affect domestic policies?

Before World War One, the United States of America had an isolation policy. This meant that they did not involve themselves in any international affairs or wars. However after World War One, there was a massive shift in their policy and they eliminated their isolation policy.