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No she was banished for holding meetings in her house that the Church did not approve of because she was teaching against the religious government from Massachusetts

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Q: Was Anne Hutchin banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for being a witch?
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Who formed Rhode Island?

Roger Williams formed the colony of Rhode Island after being banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for believing in the separation of church and state.

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Roger Williams formed the colony of Rhode Island after being banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for believing in the separation of church and state.

What theologian was banished from Massachusetts?

"In 1636, Roger Williams, after being banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for his religious views, settled at the tip of Narragansett Bay, on land granted to him by the Narragansett tribe. He called the site Providence and declared it a place of religious freedom. Detractors of the idea of liberty of conscience sometimes referred to it as "Rogue's Island".[14]"-Wikipedia

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Roger Williams founded it due to being banished from Puritan settlements. He founded Rhode Island mainly to exercise religious tolerance.

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Roger Williams was the founder of the Rhode Island colony. The clergyman founded Providence in 1635 after being exiled from Massachusetts Bay colony. He was banished for what they felt were radical religious and political ideas. He challenged Puritans to acknowledge their separation from the Church of England and said the King had no right to take Native American lands.

How was Rhode Island established?

Roger Williams wanted a place for religious tolerance.

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John Wheelwright was banished generally in reaction to his "Antinomian" theology and specifically because of a sermon he preached in January of 1637 accusing many New England leaders of being under a "Covenant of Works" and not a "Covenant of Grace" and thus being "enemies of Christ", resulting in a judgment by the Court of guilty for the charges of sedition and contempt.

Who fled to Rhode Island after being banished from Massachusetts?

Roger Williams was only one of the many who found refuge there.

Who was expelled from the Massachusetts colony after being convict of sedition?

it is anne hutchinson

Who lived with the Narragansetts Indians after being expelled from the Massachusetts Colony.?

roger williams

Who was ordered to leave Massachusetts colony for being a strict separatists?

Roger Williams.